I need to pause for a sec and share this little tidbit: So… I’ve just started a new project for my design class, which involves visualising data. I was brainstorming what sort of data to visualise, and I decided to look at my blog’s Google Analytics, figuring it would be easy because the data is all there starting from around May 2015 (which is when I switched to WordPress). Now I usually never check Google Analytics because it’s too confusing and stats can be toxic for me to care about. But I checked for this project and I realised that my stats plummeted after May; like, my sessions/users/page views per month have almost halved 😮
With a bit of reflecting, I feel like my content has started to become very formulaic and I haven’t been very creative with my writing. Sometimes I’m not even all that thoughtful with my writing. This past week was the first time in a long time I drafted a week-in-review blog post the night before I planned to publish it. And I’m doing the same for this month-in-review blog post (eek!).
I guess I’m just saying this to commit to myself to… put more effort into this space? Make this space more intimate? Do more than just documentation? Do more reflection? Find more inspiration? Anywho, since I’m thinking about this right now, I would love if you could leave some of your favourite posts/categories from this blog down in the comments! What would you like to see more of?