ONE // Mulled apple cider chai french crullers
The cooler seasons always get me in the mood for baking. Who doesn’t want to warm their house up and fill it with all the autumnal and wintry scents? I’m down for any recipe with cinnamon. Some other recipes for the oven are iced pumpkin cookies, 5-ingredient honey almond granola, streuseled sweet potatoes, pumpkin chocolate chip bread, and Totoro pumpkin cheesecake bars. If these recipes are too much effort for you, you can do what I did and buy sugar cookie dough from the supermarket (I got Pillsbury’s) and sprinkle it with cinnamon. (I haven’t bought cookie dough since, like, elementary school.) (They actually tasted pretty good.) (Don’t kill me baking snobs.) To top it off, why don’t we have some boozy apple cider.
TWO // DIY terrarium coffee table
You know I love my coffee and my coffee tables. When I first moved into my apartment, I knew for sure that I wanted my room to feel more like a living room than a bedroom, and so I knew I wanted a daybed and a coffee table. Okay fine, let’s be real. I just wanted my room to feel like a coffee shop. Anyways. I love this DIY terrarium coffee table, because you get that greenery, which is pretty much a centerpiece, without crowding the surface of your coffee table. Such a statement! And while we’re talking about the home, let’s move onto the closet. I really like the idea of this 10×10 wardrobe challenge. The idea is to pick 10 items of clothing (including tops, bottoms, and shoes; not including accessories, bags, pyjamas, or gym clothes) and create 10 outfits for 10 days. I think it’d be a good way to jump into a minimal wardrobe without making any drastic commitments… and it’d be a good away of minimising my laundry hah. Another way to spruce up your wardrobe is to DIY a band tee 3 ways.
THREE // Self-belief and the hideous sundress
We hear the phrase “you do you” so often that it’s begun to lost its meaning. And maybe even worse, sometimes it’s said a bit negatively, like to simply placate you. But this little anecdote about loving the hideous sundress, despite what everyone else was saying, was a specific experience I totally identified with. When I was little, I had strong opinions about what I liked to wear and what I didn’t, how I liked to do my hair and how I didn’t, no matter how much my mother or anyone else disagreed. That sort of self-assurance has slowly been chipping away as I’ve gotten older, but I want to find those pieces of myself again. Other little moments of reflection I’ve found inspiring are these thoughts on circumstantial happiness, the story of the hug, allowing yourself to process the world, and giving yourself time.
FOUR // Wales: The Slate Cabin
I love this little cabin and how minimal it is, and yet it seems so cosy. I imagine that the minimal design declutters the mind and allows you to focus on the important things and appreciate the serene coast of Wales. It almost inspires me to get rid of all the unnecessary junk in my apartment and live a nomadic lifestyle haha. For something a little more local to me here in Pennsylvania, I’ve been enjoying keeping up with Lokal Hotel’s developments via their Instagram Stories. Y’all know I love their Old City location (on the blog), but now they’ve also got a new A-frame cabin in the woods just 50 minutes outside of Philly. And since I’ve been loving cabins so much, here’s another one called Forest Cabin, and I’m loving the autumnal breakfast scene. Am I allowed to still be talking about autumn now that it’s December?
FIVE // How to create film-like images in your digital camera
I love how film photography looks but I’ve never used a film camera before and I don’t have one either, so this tutorial is going to have to do for me for now! And since we’re talking about images, why don’t we move onto visual social media platforms? (dat segue doe) Here’s a tutorial on how to hide Pinnable images and here are 15 clever ways to use Instagram Stories. Keeping up a brand and managing all your socials can be time-consuming no doubt, so here are 24 time-saving hacks for busy entrepreneurs. And for all the influencers and entrepreneurs out there, here’s all you need to know about navigating sponsored content online.
What has been your favourite read of the week?