12 books. 4320 pages. 9 fiction, 3 non-fiction. 3 fantasy, 3 thriller/mystery, 1 contemporary romance, 1 historical fiction, 1 classic, 2 memoir, 1 essay collection. 8 women. 2 people of colour.
Averaging three books a week, I think I might be getting whiplash from the amount of books I’m speeding through! I’m a slow reader too, so this is really a lot for me. There are just too many books I want to read, buddy reads I’ve committed to, and ARCs to read and review! This coming month I’d love to read less books, at a more comfortable pace, and give each book the presence it deserves, instead of worrying too much about getting on with my next obligated read.
Although Halloween has now passed, I plan on getting more spooky fantasy and thrillers in before Christmas. October wasn’t long enough to squeeze them all in! Autumn really is the best season for reading.