Kat (my roomie) left me over the break for home, so I was left to fend for myself. I think she was a little worried for me. I was worried for me too. Good thing Georgina got me this fantastic cookbook for my birthday titled The Starving Artist Cookbook. Accurate, no?
How to keep warm
I’ve been sitting on this blog post idea for a long time, and finally decide to just go for it, in honour of today’s winter storm, which I’ve been looking forward to all week. You won’t believe how obsessively I’ve been checking the weather forecast.
Interview @ Missing Wanderer
Catch me over at Missing Wanderer! Thank you for including me in your creative space Arden!
Favourite posts of 2016
(In chronological order.)
Memorial Day weekend // I love the little snapshots from throughout the weekend and the memories associated with them–the exposed brick, the musicals, the cooking, the baking, the friends; the mix of food photography, moody photography, and casual group photos.
Living off my reserves // A good book, a moment of realisation, and some more quotes.
“hack”MIT // My first hackathon, so that was pretty big. Also lots of tomfoolery. And some quality photos taken with my fancy camera. I think I’ve relied too much on my iPhone camera these past few months.
Cookie butter freakshakes // A day of indulgence with my girls.
Autumn // Appreciation post for my beautiful, magical campus. A blissfully happy day with my girls. Blessed with autumnal sunlight. It was one of the few times I set out explicitly for a photoshoot–not to cafe crawl, not to experience and tour Philly, but just to take photos. I hope to do this more often in 2017!
DIY reusable Soylent bottle // An “inside” joke in Christmas wrapping. Just for gags. A fluffy, spur-of-the-moment post written for no other reason than to indulge myself. I think I’m clever.
What was your favourite post of 2016?
Highlights of 2016
Hello 2017!
When I woke up to the droning of my family’s snores, I pulled up YouTube in hopes of drowning them out. I was watching a Zoella vlog in which she realised there was only one week until Christmas. After an hour of lying in bed catching up with my YouTube feed, I crawled out to take a shower and get ready for the day. Whilst showering, I had a realisation of my own: it was Christmas day!
Completely slipped my mind. Honestly, I think I’d be completely fine if it were just perpetually the third week of December, the height of the anticipation for Christmas (at least for college students, because the first two weeks of December are hell).
Then a few minutes later I had another realisation: it would be the New Year soon! I’d been counting down to Christmas since October, but for some reason I didn’t realise that the Christmas-time-of-year was also the New-Year-time-of-year. I hadn’t thought of any of the typical year-in-review or [insert blog category here]-in-review/round-up blog posts. I hadn’t thought about what I’d want to do for 2017’s 52 project. I hadn’t thought of any New Year’s resolutions or themes for 2017.
But imma do my best to catch up now.