The week started off rocky, but at least that meant it only got better from there! Thank you to my friends for listening to me rant. Sometimes you just gotta let it out, be a little petty, and then get over it, ya know? Georgina said she thought it was funny whenever she read my blog and saw me synthesise my strugs into “it was rough.” If only it was that simple! But the blog really just isn’t the place for that kind of energy. Kat joked and said it’d “ruin the aesthetic.” I mean, is she wrong?? Anyways, all is well for now.
I only have one full month left of college! Whaat? (A month + some weeks, but that’s still only one full month.) I just need to take it day by day and focus on making the most of each one… *I say as I continue to fall into Youtube holes.* I’ve been trying to stay out of my apartment for as long as I can each day, because once I get back to my apartment, it’s game over–don’t expect any productivity from me! As a homebody, staying out of the apartment for extended amounts of time is a real challenge. I could honestly stay at home, not talk to anyone for days, and be totally content with life. I told a friend this the other day and she said she couldn’t do that but she wished she could. I think maybe it only works for me because I still have my blog as an outlet. Thank you guys for being here for me!
Pizza, margs, mangoes // weekly update
This past week was my week back from spring break. With all the prep I had done over spring break in anticipation for the week back from it (and in anticipation for the rest of the semester as well), I thought that the week back would be a breeze, but it turned out to be exhausting because I hadn’t properly recovered from my hustle. On Monday and Tuesday I was dozing off in a few classes, but thankfully we had a snow day on Wednesday, which I spent inside my apartment and took three naps. It was just what I needed!
Spring break recap + vlog // weekly update
People talk about self-care a lot, but I think that most people don’t think about it the right way. They use it as an excuse to “treat yo self,” when in reality, self-care is “often doing the ugliest thing that you have to do,” and it’s explained so well in this article by Brianna Wiest on Thought Catalog. “True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from.”
This past week I was on spring break, and the previous week I shared my optimistic plan for spring break on the blog. The most important but most daunting item on the to-do list was making headway with my job search. At the beginning of spring break, I had a feeling that I’d get through most of the other items on my to-do list as a way to productively procrastinate my job search, and I was right! I completed all my academic assignments for the week back from break, completed the first iteration of design work I was hired for by the campus theatre department, and prepped four weeks worth of content for Her Campus Bryn Mawr. No wonder I felt like I couldn’t catch a breath! But it’s been a good kind of busy–a kind of busy that relieves stress. Now I’m getting back from spring break to finish off the last half of the semester, and I think I’m in a good place.
Spring break plans + weekly update
I’m finally off for spring break! There are so many things I want to do with this week off from school, one of which is to give this space an update. Figuring out what that update is is also part of the update. I was thinking about starting with revamping these weekly updates, perhaps reorganising or refocusing them, because I feel like they’ve sort of just become disorganised brain dumps. But some of you have also told me how you enjoy these weekly updates, bless you, so maybe they’re not as confusing as I think they are? Perhaps it’s just my life that’s confusing and so has been reflected as such in these weekly blog posts.
Cafes, concert, blizzard // weekly update
I’ve been busy and will continue to be busy until spring break arrives this Friday, but for some strange reason, I’m not particularly stressed or anxious. I think it’s because I’ve been intentional about taking care of myself, giving myself the breaks I need, and allowing myself to sleep in. Going into this last week before spring break, part of me is worried that all that rest is going to come back and bite me in the butt (Did I rest too much? Was I productive enough?). But I’m determined to be hopeful and stay focused on what I need to do rather than dwell on what I could have done or should be doing. Just do it!