Oh dearie me. July was supposed to be the month I sorted out all the logistics of my post-grad life, but there’s still so much up in the air. At the end of June, I mentioned how I had decided which city I’d be moving to, but I kept going back and forth about it this past month. In the end, I decided to stick to the city I had chosen: New York City! I haven’t locked down an apartment, but my mom may be flying in to NYC to help me with that process, which I would be eternally grateful for, because I feel so lost (and so poor). I also don’t know whether I should hire movers to move my furniture over, or whether I should just leave my furniture in Philly (I have friends I could give it away to) and buy new furniture in NYC, though I am quite attached to much of my furniture. And I’m still on the job search. I had one interview this past month that went well, but I won’t be going through with that job, and I have another interview later this week.* At this point, I just want to have a job I can be certain about. For my sanity!! I really hope that I can lock down that job, then put all my focus on the apartment search and moving, and once that’s sorted, I need to make a plan. For life. Ya know, the works.
*I would like to share both interview experiences on the blog eventually, like how I shared about my first technical interview, but I may not get around to it until things settles down in September. I know that people always say that they’ll do things later when they’re less stressed or less busy and they never get less stressed or less busy, but I really think that I’ll be good in September, because even if I don’t have a job locked down, at the very least I’ll have moved and settled in NYC. And whilst we’re on that topic, sorry I haven’t been very active in the blogosphere this summer. I had taken a blogging break during my last month of senior year and had hoped to get back into it this summer, but this summer has taken more out of me than anticipated.