I’m in a good place right now, both physically and mentally. Physically, 1) there are only two more weeks until Centennial Conference Champs, so I better be in shape after two seasons of training, and 2) Bryn Mawr College is an awesome place with awesome people and awesome professors (hardcore evidence) who inspire me. Mentally, I have been waking up excited to learn and have been engaged by the assigned readings. I know, barf. But my professors this semester are so passionate about what they teach, I can’t help but be interested in all the knowledge they’re passing down to me.
One such class I’m taking is Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Our latest assignment was to write a “thick description” paper, which requires us to do basic ethnographic research by observing social interaction in a public space and taking detailed notes based on our observations. Doesn’t that sound like fun? No, that was not sarcasm. To me, that assignment translates into: people watching.