It’s finally Fall Break! After I submitted my lab on Friday, I watched three Amanda Bynes movies. I still have homework to do this Fall Break so I’m not totally free, but I forced myself to not do any homework this weekend and just rest (well, I finished reading a book and did some blog stuff, but anything not related to school is what I consider “rest”). I’m so excited for this coming week, and in case you missed it on the blog earlier this week, here are my Fall Break plans.
Mattress, directions, pants – 40/52 :)
Oh my god. I can’t wait for Fall Break next week. It’ll be nice to have a life again, even if it’s only for a week.
Peaches, coasters, autumn – 39/52 :)
I’ve been feeling very not at peace. I’ve definitely felt stressed out and overwhelmed before, but something about this feeling is a little different–like a real sense of unease in my heart. As of late, there are four personal things I can make excuses and blame it on, but the good thing is that none of them are permanent, and I tell myself that I have it in myself to turn it around. But I’ve been feeling so overwhelmed and it’s been so difficult to refocus, and the cycle perpetuates. Right now I’m drinking green tea and listening to #10 on this list over and over and it’s chilling me out. All I ask is to survive until Fall Break. Two weeks! Also I need to stop playing Tetris Friends.
Smiles, coffee, stars – 38/52 :)
This weekend I was away for HACKMIT, so I’m once again drafting this blog post in advance, and I won’t be able to tell you anything about it until next week! It will be my first hackathon, so I’m quite anxious, but my team is experienced, so they’ll be taking care of me (I hope). I feel like a hackathon is something I’d like to experience at least once in my life even though I’m thoroughly intimidated by them, and since I didn’t take the dive earlier, I figured this would be as opportune a moment as any. When my friends asked me to join their team, I committed without thinking it through, which is the only way I can get myself out of my comfort zone, ya know, before my brain catches up and I realise what I’m getting myself into.
Runs, extensions, questions – 37/52 :)
I’m back to full school mode, and I think you’re going to be able to start seeing it in my Happy Lists. Outings and adventures will probably be less frequent… I’m still trying to find my rhythm and figure out how to balance school, blogging, socialising, and taking care of myself physically and emotionally. The previous Labor Day weekend was definitely needed, and I got some blog stuff done, but not as much CS stuff as I would have liked. This past weekend was filled with hosting a cappella auditions (as was last weekend), and next weekend I’ll be away for HACKMIT. Ahhh! So. much. to. do.
Cake, coffee, cheese – 36/52 :)
It’s been an exhausting week of shopping five extra classes and an exhausting weekend of a cappella. It’s only been a week of school, but I am so thankful to have Labor Day off! I am writing this on Monday morning while eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes and wearing yesterday’s clothes (but they were clothes I changed into after my morning run and a shower, after which I didn’t leave the house, so they’re clean!!).