This might be a little excessive, but there’s something so gratifying about seeing ALL the things that have made me happy in 2016. Yes, there have been many setbacks, but there is also so, so much to be happy about.
This might be a little excessive, but there’s something so gratifying about seeing ALL the things that have made me happy in 2016. Yes, there have been many setbacks, but there is also so, so much to be happy about.
Hope you all had a merry Christmas! It’s been a good week in Taiwan, but soon I’ll be heading back to Beijing. I’ll be there for three weeks before heading back to Philly, and during that time, I won’t have access to WordPress or Bloglovin’; I’ll have posts scheduled, but I won’t be able to reply to any comments (not that I’ve been very good about that lately anyway omg sry). My brothers shared a VPN with me for my phone, so I’ll still be able to access social media; feel free to keep in touch with me via Twitter or Snapchat! Also um, I made it to 52/52 weeks!
Winter break has just barely started and I can already feel myself losing my circadian rhythm. I kicked off this weekend with lots of Netflix. And I am completely okay with this. At least for the first few days of break. Then hopefully with the rest of it I’ll be really productive blog-wise and catch up with independent reading and maybe experiment with some computer science projects.
When this post goes live, I’ll probably be in the air on my my flight to Beijing to see my family for winter break. I’m not sure where exactly in my itinerary I’ll be at when this post goes live because I’m too lazy to figure out all the time zones. Hopefully I’ll figure out a way to keep up with blogging and social media while I’m behind the Great Firewall of China, but worst case scenario, I have blog posts queued up. See you on the other side!
With nothing on my schedule this week except for studying, I’m feeling comfortable, chill even. But I gotta keep up the intensity and make sure that I don’t forget to turn everything in before winter break starts on Friday! My motto of the week has to be DELAYED GRATIFICATION. In other news, I started and finished the new season of Gilmore Girls on Saturday. #teamJess
This coming week will probably be busy with impending due dates, but this past week wasn’t so bad, so maybe this coming week won’t be either. Almost there! Just one more week of classes + one week of finals, then I’m off to Beijing for winter break. It seems like I’m not capable of focusing on anything other than countdowns these days!
This past semester has been the roughest semester yet, but let’s not dwell on that. Instead, I’m constantly reminding myself that I just have two weeks of classes and one week of finals left. I can do it! Then I can put this semester behind me, have a fantastic winter break back in China and Taiwan with my family, and look forward to a better semester ahead. It’s probably bad that I just started watching Orphan Black and I’m hooked.
Catch me burrowed in a book with some boba on hand. My life is pretty average, but it’s the little things that count, right? Thanks for stopping by! -Audrey