The store was pretty chaotic and there were boxes and clothes everywhere, but I scored the three tops pictured above. I’m really proud of how much money I saved (though one could argue (my parents would probably argue) that I’d save the most money if I didn’t buy anything at all…). The original prices are quite expensive and admittedly, I probably wouldn’t by anything there full price with my college student budget, but it’s for a good cause. United by Blue promises that for every product sold, United by Blue removes one pound of trash from our world’s oceans and waterways.
The sale was such a steal. I knew I’d be tempted to get so much, so I did a little online shopping first to check out which items I wanted. However, what you see online isn’t guaranteed to be in their warehouse and thus isn’t guaranteed to be included in their warehouse sale, and the more popular sized items (S/M) might disappear quick. The tenton tee was one of the items I eyed online and had hoped to find in the store, and luckily enough I found a single one and snatched it up. The other tee I really wanted was the mens star silhouette tee, but although they had it online and in their store, it wasn’t stocked in their warehouse. I found the pattern pocket shirt instead, which I really liked the colour contrast of, and which I thought would go well with the minimal wardrobe I’m working on.
As I was trying on my items in the single fitting room they have in the store, Kat and Jennifer came up outside and tossed in a womens tee saying we needed to get a picture together all wearing that same tee because we’re dorks. At that point I wasn’t trying on clothes anymore; I was taking pictures in the fitting room of the clothes I had chosen because they had a nice branch prop that I could hang the clothes from. So the three of us squeezed inside the fitting room and I hoped that there wouldn’t be an impatient man waiting outside. It turns out we actually quite liked the tees, so each of us bought one, making it 3/$12, and then each of us bought another tee of our own choice, making another 3/$12.
Go check it out! It might not be the best time to sit down for a cup of coffee with all these boxes and clothes everywhere, but you can definitely grab a cup on your way out.
*This is not an ad. I’m just excited.*
tl;dr– Check out United by Blue’s warehouse sale May 13-15, their biggest sale of the year! I bought three tops.