An inconsequential month.
IG this month pic.twitter.com/LJwTBkMnch
— Deb Lee @ illustration hell (@jdebbiel) April 11, 2020
My little dalgona coffee station. The sugar I buy comes in a box with a narrow opening to pour out of; it’s much easier to scoop a tablespoon of sugar out of a jar. The instant coffee I buy comes in a plastic jar, but it looks much better in a glass jar matching with the sugar. I usually drink almond milk, but for my latest grocery delivery, I ordered an additional quart of oat milk for some drama.
The recipe calls for equal parts of each ingredient (sugar, instant coffee, hot water), and most recommend 2tb of each. I make it with 1tb because I get the shakes with 2tb. But if I plan to take a picture, I make it with 2tb. But after documenting the trials and errors of making dalgona coffee last month, I haven’t felt the need to take a picture of every single dalgona coffee I make anymore. I only took two dalgona coffee pictures this month and I make it 3-4 times a week! It’s become such a part of my routine that I hardly bother to lay the whipped coffee pretty on the milk; I scoop the foam onto the milk then mash it right in. It’s still a thicker consistency than a plain latte, so the whipping isn’t for naught.
I call this: 𝓠𝓤𝓐𝓡𝓐𝓝𝓣𝓘𝓝𝓔 𝓠𝓤𝓞𝓤𝓣𝓤𝓡𝓔. I haven’t worn sweats in five years (I’m more of a random tee + random shorts kinda gal). Pulled three sets out of storage. Believe it or not, this is a step up for me; otherwise I’m just in the same pyjamas all day.
And of course, don’t forget to accessorise! I simply HAD to have a new bag to complete the outfit! The perfect spring/summer woven bag for that picnic bitch vibe and all the outdoor picnics I’m going to have! /s
What I have to say for myself is that I’ve been eyeing this Clare V pot de miel cream woven bag for a few years, and I don’t own any woven/basket bags. Clare V had a sale and I had too much time to contemplate my spendings. But I haven’t bought anything else all month except for two big grocery deliveries. I haven’t even bought any books, and I even won a $20 gift card off a bookstagram giveaway this month!
I wore jeans twice this month. Monumental.
I discovered the wonders of Amazon Fresh! I don’t have Prime and try not to shop Amazon if I can help it; if I do want to buy something, I use a friend’s or a parent’s Prime account, and I don’t want to be annoying, so I don’t do it often. But desperate times call for desperate measures.
The two buses I usually take to go anywhere in the city from my apartment limited their service since the stay at home order and then stopped their service completely. The corner store a block from my apartment doesn’t have any fresh produce (but is abundant with frozen food, instant noodles, chips, sugar and instant coffee for my dalgona coffee, milk, eggs, toilet paper). I’ve been anxious about walking out any further because of all the racism (I still haven’t experienced anything personally so don’t worry about me haha, it’s just my brain). So with my usual grocery stores out of reach, Amazon Fresh has been a saving grace. If Amazon Fresh didn’t work out, I’d probably catch a Lyft to a grocery store.
I placed two big orders this month. The first time, I spent a whole day refreshing at checkout to find an open delivery window; early the next morning I finally found one for same day delivery. The second time, there were three delivery windows open on my first attempt.
I usually stick to the essentials when I do groceries, maybe a bag of chips or box of pastries or a carton of juice as a treat. Treating myself this month meant dabbling in oat milk, frozen food (frozen pizza!), ice cream, etc. For example, one wild night, I went to the Amazon search bar and typed “frozen pizza” and subsequently bought three different flavours of frozen pizza (my favourite was DiGiorno’s Five Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza). Another wild night, I went to the Amazon search bar and typed “ice cream.” In my first order, I bought a box of six Reese’s Klondike bars; they were softer than I expected and not very exciting to eat. Nevertheless, I wasn’t sure when I’d next do groceries, so I rationed my hoard, eating half a bar at a time. The next time, I bought two pints of Ben & Jerry’s The Tonight Dough: caramel and chocolate ice cream with chocolate cookie swirls and gobs of chocolate cookie dough and peanut butter cookie dough. SO. GOOD.
Fuji apples are also sparking joy in me right now. They’re the only kind of apples I eat and I always love them, but I go through phases where I’m completely obsessed with them. Now is one of those times. Want a snack? Fuji apple. Want dessert? Fuji apple. And maybe a centimeter of Ben & Jerry’s too.
Fresh vegetables are hard to find on Amazon Fresh though. I miss cherry tomatoes, broccoli, and arugula.
I was thinking about how my grocery habits might change post-q**rantine. Maybe I’ll only use Amazon Fresh for heavy stuff like milk and rice and loads of Fuji apples. Trader Joe’s has a lot of products specific to their brand that I love, so I will probably go back to visiting them.
I caved and binged Tiger King in three days. If Tiger King wasn’t such a phenomenon, I probably never would have watched it and I would have been fine with that. The show actually kinda made me anxious. Those people are crazy. Thought this Instagram filter was hilarious though. If you wanna give it a try: created by @ido.ro.
A cultural phenomenon that I did enjoy was Too Hot To Handle. Now this is the kind of distraction I want! Binged it in two days. Tempted to make a blog post on it… Should I?
Other things I’ve been watching are movies my brother has been streaming on Discord for our virtual family movie nights. He swears it’s better than Zoom. I have yet to use Zoom but I’m not in any rush to get around to it.
I revived my Bakery Story from high school! It’s my version of Animal Crossing haha.
No one:
Me: Bakery Story is basically a pomodoro timer but better.
And some irl baking too!
Okay I think I’ve checked off every q**rantine stereotype (I didn’t set out for it, but here we are) except for TikTok. It’s okay, I can live without that one. Anything else?