So, ya know how I’ve been visiting family in China? And ya know about the coronavirus? It’s put me and my family’s plans all out of whack. We’ve been self-quarantining at home (my dad’s whole office is working from home, my mom has always worked from home, my brother’s school is giving classes online, and I’m just chillin’), which was fun at first, but then I started missing going out on my morning coffee runs. And I’ve also been missing ordering bubble tea deliveries on a whim.
We’ve been refraining from using food delivery services unnecessarily, because we feel bad for the delivery people. They’re probably working overtime (as I’m sure lots of people are self-quarantining and needing food delivered to them) and they’re also exposing themselves to potentially contaminated environments/people. In terms of food delivery, my family is only getting groceries delivered. My dad’s friend sent him a screenshot of the instant noodle category of some store/platform’s app and they were all sold out, which was kinda funny, albeit dark.
If everything goes according to plan, I should be back in Philly early February, as long as my flight doesn’t get cancelled and I don’t get quarantined woohoo. Fingers crossed. I feel like I just jinxed myself, welp. But anyways, before all the coronavirus stuff, I did manage to do some things the first few days of January…
Edit: All flights from China to USA cancelled… I won’t be giving regular updates about this because plans keep changing.
Winter manicure #2! I don’t usually get manicures, but when I’m home, I like treating myself, aka I like my mom treating me. Hey, it’s mother-daughter bonding time! I was planning to get a third elaborate manicure, right before I left for Philly, but now with the coronavirus, best not to hang out in public spaces, nail salons included. So now I’m making this manicure last as long as possible, letting my nails grow out, and admiring my illusorily elongated fingers, made possible by the everlasting gel polish and transparent base, so it doesn’t chip or look too obviously overgrown. My nails are never ever ever this long, so I’m embracing them. I miss playing guitar though.
Brother-sister bonding. Ah, back when we could stroll freely through the streets.
Love pho when it’s cold out! This was the most flavoursome pho I’ve ever had. It had flat noodles though, which I haven’t had with pho before, but it was fine.
My mom brought back this shearling bucket hat for me from New Zealand. It’s so UGGly that I think I love it. It’s also very cosy. Also I’m in the midst of an apple juice obsession. I don’t crave dessert anymore. Just apple juice.
A few breakfasts.
Got a bit stir-crazy after a few weeks and couldn’t stand being cooped up in the house for so long, so I went on a grocery shopping adventure. Everyone was wearing masks, and I even saw some people wearing protective goggles and surgical gloves.