I’ve just spent the morning at the Philadelphia Museum of Art to see the Dior exhibit for the second time (here was the first time) and had a Philly cheesesteak from a shop recommended by my Lyft driver (Ishkabibble’s). I’ve strolled around the neighbourhood to walk it off, also hoping to stumble upon photographic scenes, and now I’m sat at Shot Tower Coffee, perking up with a cappuccino. Why don’t you grab yourself a little something and let’s have a chat!
I didn’t plan this coffee break. As a type-A personality, that’s unusual for me. I understand the need for flexibility, but even then, the way I deal with that is by planning for extra time, planning a break, planning procrastination. But this coffee break? I simply wanted to rest my feet, my friend Kat (who I was out with) needed some caffeine, and I figured I could do with a boost as well, so I Yelped the nearest coffee shop and here we are.
It’s great to plan and prepare, but oh, an unplanned moment of rest and discovery feels so good. Yes, of rest AND discovery. To be quiet. To be bored. To let your mind wander. Out of bounds. Not to scroll mindlessly on socials. Or text a friend. Or listen to a podcast. Not to reach in and meditate. But to reach out and daydream. To take this quiet moment.
Related: How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas by Manoush Zomorodi via TED
542 Christian St
Philadelphia, PA 19147
(267) 886-8049
PS: plenty cafe, one shot coffee, parc bistro & cafe, green engine coffee