ONE // Planted not buried: 2018 a year in review
There’s no shortage of year in reviews, and I’m hoping to soon add mine to the mix, but I especially loved Sade x In My Sunday Bests’. With everyone touting their annual highlights, this was a breath of fresh air. 2018 was a hard year for some. For me, there were a lot of ups and downs, and I’m still riding the waves right now. For those of you who are struggling, lost, or confused, see if you can flip your perspective from buried to planted. I’m rooting for you! Another insightful year in review I enjoyed reading was Kelly x Studio DIY’s, in which she realised she was building a life she didn’t want. On a more uplifting note, I loved how Carly x Carly the Prepster shared about how she’s rewriting herself. As we’re all reaching for new goals, here’s a unique approach on how you can make your future habits easy. Perhaps consider that there’s always a simpler way. (I’ll also plug my own suggestion for another way to build a habit.)
TWO // Why I think 2019 will be an awesome year to be a blogger
What are your thoughts on whether blogging is dead? I admit that sometimes it feels like I’m writing into the ether, but then I’m reminded by our little community that we’re all in this together, on our own separate journeys but here for each other all the same. So thank you for being here! There’s space for all of us and all our voices. For those of you on the blogging grind, here are some tips on how to be a successful blogger this year, but I like to think of it more as how to navigate the new blogosphere and make your mark. For a behind-the-scenes look at one blogger’s creative process, check out Kara x Kara’s Closet’s blogging checklist, organised daily, weekly, and monthly. For more organisational inspiration, take a peek into Michelle x Daisybutter’s sister’s bullet journal.
THREE // Four ways to style pinafores
I own one forest green corduroy pinafore and I love it but I don’t wear it as often as I would like. I pull it out more often in autumn because autumn seems to have the perfect moderate weather for an item of clothing like this with heavy but not very much fabric. However, inspired by these warm and stylish ways to wear pinafores, I might be able to break mine out in the winter as well. For more outfit inspiration, I’m loving a few pieces from this star print shopping guide. Just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean you can’t still shine! Although, since the holidays are over, I really shouldn’t be buying anything anymore. Ever. I had too much fun shopping small businesses this season, but I’m glad that I was able to share the love; I was especially giddy to see how Damaris x The Cat, You, and Us worked this quirky little pouch I gifted into her outfit!
FOUR // Cinnamon roll mugs
I probably wouldn’t ever bother making my own cinnamon rolls, but I have all the ingredients needed except for yeast, so this recipe is very doable. Something really easy to make a ton of are stuffed dates. In a manic moment one afternoon, I made a bunch inspired by this post on stuffed dates eight ways. Whenever I’m feeling peckish, even just one stuffed date is usually enough to quell the munchies. For something heartier, give this classic french onion soup a go. It requires more ingredients than I usually bother with (I’m extremely lazy), but it’s not like I don’t have the time. Plus, french onion soup is delicious, I would feel accomplished after making it, and soups are great for winter.
FIVE // Sleeping alone in a foreign city: a love letter to solitude, safety
I love myself some alone time. Reading through Jemimah x Jemma Wei’s month-and-a-half alone living in an Airbnb above a nightclub was very soothing. I could totally see myself in a similar routine if I lived alone, existing and enjoying my own company. If the holiday travels are over for you but you’ve still got a case of wanderlust, check out these recaps and guides through Malaysia, South Korea, Venice (here’s mine), and Edinburgh. And if you missed it on my blog, check out my Japan food diary!
Link a favourite post of yours from the past week (or month) below!