I wondered what anyone could do on the ice for so long. Wouldn’t it get boring skating in circles? Alas, I soon discovered that we were all too busy fighting for survival to get bored. Everyone was either struggling or with someone who was struggling. Which one was I? The one struggling ꒰๑•̥﹏•̥๑꒱
Luckily I had Bomi to guide me along the ice… ish. As I stepped onto the rink behind her, the floor slipped from under me and the next foot scrambled to get its holding. I zeroed in on the closest available strip of railing and stretched myself over the other struggling bodies. As I inched myself around the rink, Bomi wound back to find me. “I thought you said you skated before??”
Yeah like four years ago!! Lemme tell you, ice skating is not like riding a bike!! So it was as if I was taking my first steps all over again, complete with Bomi skating ahead then turning around to urge me toward her, like an expectant mama.
I’m proud to say that I didn’t fall once! I attribute my success to my skills in self-preservation. People falling in my periphery? SWERVE! People about to fall in front of me? SWERVE! (And watch on helplessly as they tumble behind me.) Little kid losing balance and dangling limply from their parent’s grasp? SWERVE! Caught in a thick crowd of chaos? Stand still and wait for them to dissipate from around me! (And hope that the whiz kid streaking through the small spaces doesn’t knock me over.)
But the best skill of all? Learning to laugh. Through the wobbles. Through the near misses. At yourself. At your friend. Brushing it off. Trooping onward. To nowhere in particular. Simply enjoying this silly journey.
How are your holiday plans coming along?
PS: I’m giving Blogmas a go! Let me know in the comments if there’s anything you’d like to see on the blog (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)