I’ve been naughty this year and already opened some Christmas presents… To be fair, my roomie Georgina and I wanted to give each other our gifts before I left for the holidays (tomorrow!), but let’s be real, that was only an excuse. The two of us have been using all the stealth we could muster to hide our presents from each other since Thanksgiving, but we’ve been dying to give them, especially the gag gifts!
I just couldn’t stop buying gag gifts this year. In fact, I finished most of my Christmas shopping by the first weekend of December, that being by December 1, and only had a few “main” gifts left to get, but I kept getting distracted by gag gifts. I guess that really goes to show that it’s about the little things!
I’ve only held out for this long because I would vent to one friend about another friend’s gifts and vent to the other friend about that friend’s gifts. Even now, I’m dying to share the gifts I bought for other people and the small businesses I shopped at on the blog, but I know that some of the packages I’ve sent are still in transit, so I’ve got to hold it in. Now I understand why some people do gift advents.
So that’s where I’m at with the holidays. I’ve sent my packages off, I’ve given the packages I could in person, I’m saying goodbye to Philly in a few hours, and then heading home to Beijing for the holidays! I’ll be there for a week, then Osaka for a week, then back to Beijing for half a week, and finally back to Philly.
It’s been a whirlwind; I just decided on my travel plans on Friday and I’m flying out on Sunday! One job I’m waiting to hear back from called to let me know that they were still interested but weren’t looking to hire until the new year and so would get back to me with an update then. As soon as I heard that, I let myself off for the holidays.
There are still some holiday things I wanted to do in Philly, like visit the Christmas pop-up bar Tinsel (look at how epic it is), but I got through quite a lot of my holiday bucket list and then some. My Philly holiday highlights include ice skating at Dilworth Park and seeing the Dior exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Philly has shown me a good time, and now I’m just excited to be back with family and forget about my responsibilities for a little bit.
As for the blog, I’m so proud of myself for blogging daily for 15 days already, even if some posts are less refined than others, especially considering how inconsistently I’ve been blogging these last few months. Churning out these posts every night and constantly seeking inspiration has been a good exercise for me. In Beijing, the amount of content I consume might be a little more limited and I might not be caught up with your blogs (Great Firewall of China woohoo…), but the content I produce shouldn’t be affected. Thank you to those of you who have messaged me blog post requests/ideas for Blogmas; I’ll be thinking about those on the plane! I’m off now!
How’s your holiday coming along? What do you have left to do? ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽
Anyone got recs for Osaka?
PS: I’m giving Blogmas a go! Let me know in the comments if there’s anything you’d like to see on the blog (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)