ONE // Tahini & pomegranate almond cookies
I’ve been making apple crumble and microwave chocolate mug cakes pretty regularly, but for something a little fancier, try these tahini & pomegranate almond cookies… which reminds me that I’ve been wanting to make raspberry almond thumbprint cookies (I have yet to look for a recipe but I’m sure that there are tons of them out there). Thumbprint cookies are so lowkey, and I’d love to have a tin of them around throughout the holidays for those late nights I stay up cramming posts for Blogmas. I’ve also been wanting to break out apricot rosemary currant scones again, which were quite a hit last year! Some more recipes I’ve been eyeing are lace cookies, matcha/red bean/almond rainbow cookies, and for those looking for something savoury, herbed cheddar latkes.
TWO // Home decor Black Friday sales
If you caught up with my new apartment tour, you’ll know that I’m not actively decorating anymore, plus, Black Friday sales are long over, but Crystalin x Crystalin Marie has such a beautiful home and I’ve kinda just appreciated her blog post as a home tour, so give that a peep if you’re a snoop like me. If you’re looking to organise your home, one place you could start is with your wardrobe. Jessica x Little Henry Lee has some great tips about curating your wardrobe, and I especially love the one about getting your proportions right.
THREE // Why you should consider a hobby you’re bad at
In a recent interview, I was asked what my hobbies were besides blogging and what I blogged about, i.e. cafe crawling and travel. I probably should have had an answer for this up my sleeve, but I had done so many interviews and nobody had asked me this, so I was stumped for a second. I meekly said that I enjoyed reading, which was lame, and also… I blog about books so I cheated with that answer. Afterward I remembered that I enjoyed swimming, singing, and playing guitar. However, I have always done those activities with goals in mind: I swam on varsity, I auditioned for honour choirs and solos, and, well I guess I don’t have a goal with the guitar, so there’s one for me. Anywho, so I think that the concept of considering a hobby you’re bad at is interesting. I shared this concept in an earlier Friday Favourites, but here it is again in different words. The idea is that a hobby done for the pure joy of it without any goal in mind will leave you more fulfilled. Some people may debate about the “more fulfilled” part, but at the very least, having a hobby without a goal in mind relieves pressure and makes room for enjoyment. Hmm, I think I’d like to take up knitting again. Maybe it’s just the winter season speaking to me.
FOUR // How to fall in love with Instagram and craft your own community
I’m sure that most people have a love-hate relationship with Instagram. Rebecca x From Roses has some great tips to nudge it over to the love side. Something I’m working on doing myself is pushing myself to make conversation on Instagram. For more Instagram insights, who better to hear from than Instagram’s director of fashion partnerships Eva Chen? Amber x By Amber Burns had the amazing opportunity to meet Eva Chen at a book signing in Philly and shared some words of wisdom from Eva Chen. For more about Eva Chen’s career journey, check out her guest appearance in the Second Life Podcast, which I found recommended by Jessica x By Jessica Yang. And whilst we’re talking about biz, I enjoyed a behind-the-scenes look at Elle & Company from Lauren’s assistant Marisa’s perspective.
FIVE // What to do in Paris when it rains
For some, the holidays mean staying at home with loved ones, and for others, it means traveling with loved ones. My family has always traveled over the holidays, and we don’t even put up a tree anymore since we aren’t home! For a bit of wanderlust, check out Carin x Paris in Four Month’s tips on what to do in Paris when it rains. You can also repurpose those tips for your own city and think about what museums, theatres, or coffee shops you might want to stow away in. Some more travel guides I’ve been loving are this one on the best Christmas markets in Europe and this one on what to do in NYC over the holidays. If I find myself back in NYC over the holidays, I definitely want to pop by City Bakery for a cuppa hot chocolate topped with a humongous homemade marshmallow. I’ve also wanted to have frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity for the longest time, but I’ve heard that it’s always packed. For those of you planning to enjoy the holidays at home, warm your heart with this adorable video of Naomi x Love Taza’s family decorating their Christmas tree, and if you’re looking for another activity for your family, why not try a Harry Potter movie night? (Halloween or Christmas, Harry Potter is always festive!)
What’s a hobby you’re bad at?
PPS: I’m giving Blogmas a go! Let me know in the comments if there’s anything you’d like to see on the blog (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)