ONE // Apple cider margaritas
There are so many things to be excited about for autumn! I’d say that today is Philly’s first real day of autumn and it’s been a long time coming–under 20oC and partly cloudy, no rain in sight. I’ve had today’s autumnal outfit planned out since the beginning of the week. You can bet that I’m wearing a cosy sweater! Besides wearing the fluffiest outfits I can, another way I celebrate autumn is by consuming all the autumnal foods and beverages. I’ve already got a gallon of apple cider in my fridge from the supermarket, ready to heat over the stove with a stick of cinnamon, but if you’re feeling extra fancy, make it a margarita! For more cinnamonyness (words are a social construct), bake yourself a vegan cinnamon bun or kick it up a notch with this tahini cream frosting and pistachio rose dukkah cinnamon bun. Another fragant flavour to fill your home with is this banana zucchini cake with cream cheese frosting, though I think I could do without the cream cheese for this one and just have a wholesome banana zucchini bread. If you find yourself out shopping for some of these ingredients, here are some tips for zero-waste grocery shopping.
TWO // Postcards from Ireland
Another thing autumn is good for is binging series. I’ve already binged the Harry Potter films. Soon I’ll be binging the books (my first reread of the series ever!) and listening along to the Potterless podcast. If that fandom isn’t enough for you, perhaps it’s time to revisit Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones as well. Oh I so look forward to wrapping myself in blankets and drowning myself in tea (and apple cider)! But if you’re more of the outdoorsy type, you’ll have to check out these candid snaps from Michelle’s Ireland trip, centered around Game of Thrones. I mean, that’s the only way to tour Ireland! Make sure to have your Bluetooth speakers in your pocket and blast the Game of Thrones soundtrack on your hike. If you’re bitten by the travel bug, check out Martine’s diary entries from Amsterdam. I love her honest realisations of the ups and downs of exploring a new city on your own. I can certainly relate to the initial discomforts of adjustment and uncertainty. Oh but think of all the potential possibilities and opportunities!
THREE // Hygge for home
Autumn, in a word, is hygge. My summer has been a weird in-between moment of unrest, so I’m especially looking forward to nestling in this season. My life is still far from settled, but I’m learning to live in this period instead of straining my eyes to see the end. For anyone who needs to hear it: you’re doing a great job. Life may sometimes feel like a bit much, and sometimes all you can do is start with right where you are. Is there anything more comforting than a hygge home to burrow yourself in? A sound home is a sound mind after all. Alexandra interviews Reena about her cosy home, and for more frequent updates, you can check out Reena’s Instagram. For more interior inspiration, these tiny homes offer some nifty small space design tips. When it’s cold out, I don’t mind smaller spaces so much. With everything tightly packed in, it feels more warm and insulating.
FOUR // How to update your resume as a freelancer or creative professional
On a different vein, here are a few good reads for creatives–tips good for autumn and all other seasons (though if I wanted to fudge it a little, I could say that many companies begin their hiring process at this time, especially targeting achieving students looking for their summer gigs). The process for finding jobs and clients is a bit untraditional for creatives, so I found this take on resumes insightful and worth considering. Besides resumes, another aspect to get up to date on is your website’s SEO. This article is specific to Squarespace, but even if your website isn’t hosted by Squarespace, this article can serve as a checklist for what to take stock of on your own site. And whilst we’re getting into the technicalities of it all, if your site contains sponsored or affiliate content, make sure it complies with FTC regulations. Taking a step back to look at the bigger picture, here are five ways to add more personality to your brand.
FIVE // Lady Voldemort
My Friday Favourites have been few and far between, but the urgent need to share this video is what spurred me to put this post together at the last minute. This is one of the most strange, hilarious, disturbing, and delightful things I have ever stumbled upon across the internet. I’m cACKLING. And how timely that this video has graced us with its presence this month of Halloween. Make the lives of everyone in your lives better by sending this lil video over to them (it’s even more viral on Twitter)! And with no better category to lump these articles with, check out these interesting articles about being a responsible music fan in the age of Spotify, and about how emo and pop punk are influencing hip hop (it’s called emo rap and I’m kinda into it).
What has been your favourite read of the week?