It’s hard enough pulling the whole squad together for a brunch, forget a breakfast! Only the most special occasion could motivate us to wake up and haul ass for breakfast at a cafe. And indeed it was a special occasion: to bid Grace a temporary farewell. (Note: This post is massively delayed, like, by five months. Grace graduated Fall 2017, a semester before the rest of us, so we were saying goodbye until she came back for our graduation ceremony in Spring 2018.)
“Farewell” sounds so sad. But really, we were celebrating. We were celebrating another semester of college in our pockets. For us, one more semester to go. For Grace, all done. We were celebrating Grace’s graduation. Who needs a two-hour school ceremony to get a fake piece of paper to make it all official? (The actual diploma comes in the mail. Tell me, why do we do graduation ceremonies again?) We were celebrating the upcoming break. We were celebrating friendship. We were celebrating… Grace’s birthday?
We were giddy with food and friends, chomping and chattering. Before we left, we wanted to get a picture together. We asked a kind lady sitting nearby who snapped several shots for us. After we looked through our photos and thanked her, she brushed it off and wished us a happy birthday.
Spoiler: it wasn’t anyone’s birthday. We couldn’t suppress our laughter but managed to sputter out a thank you. I mean, who could blame her? We were a happy group of girls out celebrating.
PS: green engine with grace (first time getting food), green engine with ariane (first time ever)