The week started off rocky, but at least that meant it only got better from there! Thank you to my friends for listening to me rant. Sometimes you just gotta let it out, be a little petty, and then get over it, ya know? Georgina said she thought it was funny whenever she read my blog and saw me synthesise my strugs into “it was rough.” If only it was that simple! But the blog really just isn’t the place for that kind of energy. Kat joked and said it’d “ruin the aesthetic.” I mean, is she wrong?? Anyways, all is well for now.
Studio time with friends
I’ve been spending a lot more time Georgina lately as we’ve been finding pockets of overlapping times in our schedules. It’s taken half a semester to figure out, but we’ve figured it out! I especially cherish this time, because it’s just low-key time we spend together, and we’re still able to be productive. In fact, maybe we’re even more productive, because we keep each other accountable and motivate each other. Sometimes we work on campus together, sometimes at her studio, and sometimes off campus at cafes. I especially find working in the studio fun, because it reminds me of my IB HL Art days back in high school. I helped out Georgina with gluing some of her wood sculpture woohoo, which is what I’m doing in the last photo of my March-in-review blog post that went up yesterday.
Introducing friends to the blogosphere
Abby reached out to me about wanting to start a blog with her friend Hannah, so we met up over coffee twice, she told me about what they wanted to do and what they were motivated by, I walked her through the technical aspects, and we got it all sorted and launched! We hadn’t seen each other much since the previous semester, as we were in the same senior seminar for linguistics the previous semester but aren’t taking any classes together this semester, but she coincidentally won an Instagram giveaway that Her Campus Bryn Mawr hosted this semester, so we got in touch then. I obviously haven’t started a new blog in a long time, so this was really fun for me, and I’m excited to see where it takes her!
Aerial silks
When Abby and I caught up over coffee, I learned that she and Hannah did aerial silks on campus (with Hannah as a certified instructor), and that the first beginners class of the semester would be that week, a perfect time for me to start! And free! I hadn’t exercised in months and had been wanting to find a fun way to exercise (which meant not a gym!), and this certainly fit the bill. My favourite way to exercise is by swimming, but the campus pool hours aren’t always convenient, and sometimes my cartilage piercing gets irritated (even after all this time…). Definitely looking forward to my weekly silks lessons! Also I’m the only student so I get one-on-one time with the silks ^-^
Linguistics is cool
I also caught up with a classmate over coffee and she told me that she had recently declared a double major in computer science and linguistics (same as me!), and that she first thought of exploring linguistics because of me! Honoured. I initially explored linguistics because of friends as well, so in a way, I felt like I was giving back to the universe what the universe gave to me. Linguistics is cool dude.
Mother Nature…
In other news, the weather on Thursday, Friday morning, and Sunday afternoon was beautiful. It almost felt like spring! lol @ snow this morning and snow forecasted for next Monday as well…
How was your week?