I’m finally off for spring break! There are so many things I want to do with this week off from school, one of which is to give this space an update. Figuring out what that update is is also part of the update. I was thinking about starting with revamping these weekly updates, perhaps reorganising or refocusing them, because I feel like they’ve sort of just become disorganised brain dumps. But some of you have also told me how you enjoy these weekly updates, bless you, so maybe they’re not as confusing as I think they are? Perhaps it’s just my life that’s confusing and so has been reflected as such in these weekly blog posts.
Remember my Human Computer Interaction professor who had pneumonia? He finally came to class on Monday (after not seeing him for two weeks), but he was still looking pretty exhausted, and he cut our 90 minute class to 60 minutes. Seeing him show up to teach class despite how sick and tired he was really made me appreciate having a professor as dedicated and kind as him. To think that I was grumbling about getting up for my Monday morning class with him because I was “tired” and cold… Thinking about that made getting up for his class on Friday morning a lot easier. He looked a lot better on Friday.
For my Digital Cultures class, we get graded on our participation in class, our weekly response papers (short), five longer written assignments, and one group presentation, which also involves leading the class discussion for that week. My friends and I signed up to be the first group to present and we presented this past week. It feels good to be done! I’m grateful that my teammates were so easy to work with. We also bonded in the process and they introduced me to Queer Eye, which I binged in one day this past weekend.
Another update about that class is that I submitted my second longer written assignment and got it back, and I did better on it than I did on my first one! I’m surprised because I spent less time on the second paper than on the first one, and was also more confused about the prompt for the second paper than for the first one. But I feel like I’m getting the hang of it and better understanding what the professor is looking for. I mean, I’m taking the class credit/no credit, but I’m still glad that I’m improving.
Got through my Theory of Computation midterm on Thursday. It was rough, but I’m glad it’s done. I wasn’t very busy this past week. All I really needed to do was study for this midterm. I definitely didn’t study as much as I could have, but it was one of those things where I could study five times as hard and maybe only made 1.5 times the progress. It’s kinda funny how much more active I was in the blogosphere this past week because I was procrastinating studying for the midterm.
This past week, Her Campus Bryn Mawr collaborated with our Sister Chapter Her Campus Muhlenberg by hosting an Instagram giveaway together in honour of International Women’s Day. The Campus Correspondent at HC Muhlenberg and I had been planning for this giveaway for a few weeks, so I was really excited about it. HC Bryn Mawr is a registered student club, so we get funding from the school, but HC Muhlenberg isn’t for censorship reasons, so unfortunately they don’t receive any funding from their school. So I decided to send them some extra products that we were able to buy on our budget, and together we hosted an Instagram giveaway using those products as prizes (consisting of a “smash the patriarchy” drawstring bag, “hella feminist” wine glass, “grl pwr” baseball cap, and “feminist as heck” cell wallet, all pictured here). We chose a winner from each campus and were able to give them the same bundle of four prizes.
I finally bought more 0.5mm lead for my pencils, and I also bought two new black pens while I was at it. I love a thick 1mm ballpoint pen :3
Sourdough is great.
Had another snow day on Wednesday (the first one was the previous Friday), except I didn’t have any classes on Wednesday anyway because my only Wednesday class was my Penn class and Penn was off for spring break already. The snow day on Wednesday wasn’t as bad as Friday. Wednesday had more snow, but Friday had more wind, which was much more deadly. In retrospect, even though my apartment lost internet connection for a few days after the Friday snow, I’m grateful we didn’t lose electricity at any point, which I know a lot of places did.
A large hole that can no longer be ignored has appeared in my favourite socks. So I’ve been online “window” shopping for socks lately. It’s so easy to buy socks impulsively, but I also actually need socks. I’m trying to find a balance.
I’ve been watching so many of Aimee x Song of Style‘s Fashion Week vlogs, and now I really want to make her raw bars.
Spring break
I didn’t want to make a single blog post only about my spring break plans because it wouldn’t be a particularly enriching blog post, but I did want to have a list out there somewhere to keep myself accountable, so I thought my weekly update would be a good post to tack it on.
- Digital Cultures readings and response paper
- Digital Cultures assignment paper
- Human Computer Interaction sketches and paper prototypes
- Design for theatre
- Job search
Her Campus
- Schedule Her Campus team profiles
- Edit and schedule Her Campus articles
- Create sponsored content for Her Campus partners (Instagram + articles)
- Optional: Participate in Alba Botanica competition
- Plan Her Campus Spa Night event
- Prepare for Her Campus transitions (emails)
- Draft 2017-in-review blog post
- Draft Okinawa blog post
- Draft Bruno Major blog post
- Draft Green Engine blog post
- Draft Pie & Plate blog post
- Edit proposal photos
- Daily vlog
- Vlog tour of campus
- Create blog plan based on Google Analytics
- Housekeeping: clean up old posts, update home page and other pages
- Eat every meal
- Read two books
- Read before bed
- Swim twice
- Make raw bars
- Cafe hop
- Thrift shop
- Restring guitar
How was your week?
PS: last week’s updates, spring break 2017 recap + vlog, spring break 2017 plans