I’ve been busy and will continue to be busy until spring break arrives this Friday, but for some strange reason, I’m not particularly stressed or anxious. I think it’s because I’ve been intentional about taking care of myself, giving myself the breaks I need, and allowing myself to sleep in. Going into this last week before spring break, part of me is worried that all that rest is going to come back and bite me in the butt (Did I rest too much? Was I productive enough?). But I’m determined to be hopeful and stay focused on what I need to do rather than dwell on what I could have done or should be doing. Just do it!
My Human Computer Interaction class got cancelled last Monday because my professor was sick with pneumonia (poor dude). Then he got a sub for Friday because he was still sick. And he was also out the previous week. So I haven’t seen my professor for two weeks. Anywho, with the cancelled class on Monday, I had extra time in my schedule and used it to do some blog stuff, do some homework, and send some emails. I love having unexpected pockets of time in my schedule.
I decided to take my 300-level Anthropology class credit/no credit, so that’s some stress relieved. I still have to do all the readings for the class so that I can participate in the in-class discussions though. But that’s fine because the readings are interesting; they just take me awhile. Taking this class credit/no credit is mainly to take the stress off writing assignments.
In my Art of the Web class, there are seven students including me–six girls, one guy. I knew everyone’s names except for the guy’s. Well, I sort of knew his name, but I wasn’t 100% sure; his preferred name differs from his given name. He was late to class this past week, and then it was revealed that the professor didn’t know his preferred name either. Our professor literally asked us, “What’s his name?” Then I didn’t feel so bad for not 100% knowing his name. It turned out that everyone else in the class had even less of an idea of his name than I did, so pat on the back to me. When he finally got to class, we asked him and sorted it out once and for all. Funny how it took two months of school.
As you might know, United By Blue is my favourite cafe to pop by before my Penn class (Art of the Web). I go at least every Wednesday for coffee chats with Louise and Steph from my class last semester. This week I discovered that one of my classmates in my current class (Art of the Web) also frequents United By Blue, and we bonded over our cafe crawling habits. It was exciting to bond with a classmate outside the context of class and have a connection more meaningful than proximity.
This past week at United By Blue, I bought my first RxBar. I’ve always been curious about them because I like the packaging. The verdict: the texture is smooth and chewy, so it feels gummy, which is weird. I won’t be having another one.
Her Campus had a “team bonding” brunch at First Watch this past weekend (photographed above, and recapped with a photo set on our Instagram). I put “team bonding” in quotes because most of our team members bailed, so with the few people who were able to make it, we decided to just go through with the brunch anyway and invite our mutual friends to enjoy a free brunch on Her Campus. It was wonderful.
The long awaited day of seeing Bruno Major finally arrived! There was a crazy blizzard the day before, so public transportation was whack on the day of the concert. Georgina and I debated whether or not to trek into the city for the concert and finally decided to do so. We called a Lyft, which ended up costing way more than our concert tickets, but hey, we made it! It was Georgina’s first concert experience in Philly, and she ended up loving it, which made me so happy. Like, I was happier that she loved it than happy that I loved it! I’m considering making a full blog post on the concert like I have for all the previous concerts I’ve ever attended in my entire life. Okay now that I put it that way, I have to make a full blog post on it. Gotta keep up the streak.
Update on the case of my lost Mac charger: It was never found, but my roomie had an extra charger, so she’s lent it to me! Bless her.
There was a crazy ass blizzard on Friday. Trees were uprooted and snapped. It was definitely the strongest blizzard I had ever experienced in my life. I stayed inside for all of it, and spent most of that time photographing sponsored photos for spring products Her Campus Bryn Mawr got sent (and Netflixing too of course). The contrast between the flatlay on my coffee table and the view out my window was fascinating.
How was your week?