Time has been flying by. When I can’t find time to blog, I know it’s serious. My mind has been a bit frazzled, trying to be present but also needing to plan for the future; it’s all quite overwhelming. There have been times I’ve been exhausted, relieved to finally tuck into bed and fall asleep, but my head would keep ringing and I would lie awake in bed for hours before finally passing out. I’ve been trying to pinpoint what’s been putting me on edge, but it’s still a work in progress.
Meanwhile, I downloaded Headspace. I know I know, I’m years late to the game. I was feeling contrarian. But now I’m desperate. Actually, after typing the first few sentences of this blog post, I was like, oh shiz it’s almost midnight, I gotta get in my three minutes of meditating to keep my three day streak. So I closed my laptop and meditated (probably ineffectively) for three minutes, and now I’m back to business. (Alas, I did not meditate in time to uphold the streak.) I think I need to start meditating in the mornings instead. Originally I was thinking that I should meditate at night to help me sleep, and so I would hold off meditating in the mornings because I didn’t want to pass my daily quota of one meditation per day haha. It made more sense in my head okay? Yeahh imma start meditating in the morning. Or whenever I can remember to.
I slept for four hours on Sunday night and on Monday night, so after my Tuesday class, I decided that I would just shower, do a mask, read, sleep, then wake up on Wednesday and make a hearty breakfast. So I did. And it was wonderful. It was everything I needed. I did masks every night and made glorious breakfasts for the rest of the week. Taking care of yourself feels so good. I should do it more often.
I only have one class on Wednesdays, and it’s 6:00-9:00PM at Penn. This past Wednesday, I planned to get to campus an hour early to work on a group project. Just as my train pulled into the city, I received an email from my professor saying he was sick and so was cancelling class. My project partners and I decided to postpone our meeting. And so with my Wednesday evening freed up, and me already being on the train in the city, I stayed on the train for two more stops and hopped off at Chinatown. I made a beeline to Kungfu tea, got my bubble tea, and hung out at the store to wait for the evening train (cheaper fares). Luckily I had brought one piece of homework with me, a reading that I had printed out, and I finished it just in time to catch the evening train.
There was another reading I did later in the week, but I had “checked it out” from the online library, so I couldn’t print it and was reading it on my laptop screen. It took me so long to get through that reading because I kept getting distracted. Reading on screens is not great for me.
I’m always crashing at Georgina’s dorm. It’s conveniently located near the bus stop, so I don’t need to trek through campus to get to her room, and of course, spending time with Georgina is always lovely. This past Friday afternoon was one of those times I crashed at her dorm. We made a trip out to Starbucks first, then went back to her room to be productive. Victoria came over and joined us. But when we got back, we didn’t feel like being productive anymore. So we made Kracie DIY doughnut-shaped candies instead. Yes we are adults.
Ami called me up Saturday night and asked if I was down to hang out in the city. I had been inside all day and was still in my pyjamas, so I figured that getting out of the apartment would be good for me. Plus, how could I pass up quality time with Ami? I don’t see that girl often enough! It snowed that evening. We went to City Hall. We sipped on apple cider and munched on cheese fries. We talked about things on our mind. And the unrest I’ve been feeling lately dissipated for a moment.
Why do I always want to swim at 2:00AM?
How was your week?