I’ve been a bit sparse on my blog and in the blogosphere this past month. I had a bit of a personal crisis at the beginning of the year when I was struggling with finding my desire to write, but right after I finished writing that post, I felt much better. Mentally, I was ready to go back to my regular programming. But then I got busy and couldn’t find the time to write. This weekend I’m planning to go to a work session with local Philly bloggers though, so I plan to hash out those blog posts I’ve been meaning to write! The work session is just a time for us to co-work at a cafe, a time meant to be set aside for blogging because many of the local Philly bloggers have other jobs and don’t have a time like this to set aside for blogging, but doesn’t have to just be for blogging. The work sessions happen monthly, and I try to go if I’m around (i.e. not away from the city for winter/summer break). It’s a low-key way for me to meet, befriend, and network with local Philly bloggers; this environment is much more comfortable for me than a blogging conference!
About halfway through winter break (around the beginning of January), I really got back into the reading grind, and I had a lot of time to do it. I breezed through four books and was hungry for more, so I requested a bunch of e-galleys from Netgalley, but the publishers I requested from didn’t get around to my requests until I already got back to school. So now I have a bunch of books waiting to be read, including The Coincidence Makers by Yoav Blum (I’m excited for this!) and Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage (I confess that I didn’t request this book, but it was sent to me and I accepted it by accident, but I enjoy thrillers in general so this should be fine). I also checked out The Blinds by Adam Sternbergh from my local library (I’ve been waiting to get my hands on this book for forever!).
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondō // ★★★☆☆ // While I can see why this book was such a phenomenon, there were times that I thought Kondō was a bit kooky. Nonetheless, it was an interesting, fast read.
Here is New York by EB White // ★★★★☆ // White is a marvelous essayist, and I’ve been meaning to read this and his other works since high school.
The Girl with Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee // ★★★★☆ // This is a memoir by North Korean defector Hyeonseo Lee, and she gave a TED Talk too!
Rust & Stardust by T. Greenwood // ★★★★☆ // I started this book in the late evening and didn’t put it down until I finished it in the early morning because I couldn’t bear to stop in the middle of the story and be stuck in that world. Full review on the blog closer to publication date in August.
Click here for my 2017 Reading Challenge round-up. Click here to view my Goodreads profile.
Movies & TV Shows
No good new movies on my winter break flights. I browsed and found Goodbye Christopher Robin, which I didn’t know existed. I cried on the plane. In Beijing I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi with my family. I’m proud of myself for understanding most of it (I’m unfamiliar with the world of Star Wars). Still need to watch Coco and The Greatest Showman.
I haven’t been into watching TV shows lately. I just stick to Youtube. (I tried Stranger Things Season 2, but I couldn’t get into it because I couldn’t remember what happened in Season 1. I just remember that I loved Season 1 and binged it in three days. But I don’t know if I love it enough to rewatch it for Season 2. I find it really difficult to pay attention when rewatching shows.)
I’ve been listening to “Rewrite the Stars” on repeat and I haven’t even watched The Greatest Showman yet. I even found the clip of the song from the film on Youtube. Everyone’s singing “This is Me,” but I’m obsessed with “Rewrite the Stars.” Since when could Zac Efron sing?? Like, really sing??
I’ll be listening to Bruno Major (not Mars lol) on repeat until I see him !! on March 3 !! And if you’ve been keeping up with the blog, you know that I’ve been listening to Dua Lipa (and so have my lil bro and dad).
Too Fast – Sonder · Invite Me – Brent Faiyaz · Safe Place – Jazz Morely · Moonlight in Atlanta – Russ · Drowning Butterflies – Bipolar Sunshine
The first two photos are from Beijing. The first is of At Cafe in the 798 Art District. I had a delicious coconut latte there. The cafe manager was crazy though. Despite the good coffee, I wouldn’t go back because I don’t want to support her/her business. The second photo is from brunch with my family at Jamaica Blue.
The third photo is from El Limon, where I had dinner with the squad (Georgina, Grace, Victoria, -Ami who was away) during our first weekend back from school. I’ve been eating out with friends a lot lately because everyone’s finally back at school and excited to catch up.
Tell me, why did I join ShopStyle if I can’t add items to my widget because all these retailers aren’t supported?? Maybe I shop at sketchy places, who knows.
J. Crew Tippi sweater in embroidered stars, navy gold | Stars seem to be very trendy lately. I could never get into the geometric star pattern, which I attribute to my middle school art teacher who disdained regular/geometric shapes. But I like how small the stars on this sweater are; it makes them seem more twinkly (it’s probably just in my head).
ASOS wool beret, camel | I’ve thought about being a beret person ever since elementary school, but I felt like me wearing a beret would be fraudulent. Fraudulent of what? Who knows? French people? But now berets are so trendy and I see them everywhere I turn and it’s just making me want to try it more and more.
Margaux The Pointe flats, cacao | Margaux got on my radar when I read Carly x Carly the Prepster‘s 2017 favourites. I checked out their website and found out that they give you a fitting kit, which means their shoes are customisable and should be perfect fits. I’ve always had trouble finding flats because of how wide and flat my feet are (good for nothing except competitive swimming, which I don’t do anymore welp). So. I kinda want flats from Margaux.
Margaux The Heel heels, cacao | And why not get casual heels while I’m at it? Nude heels are a staple aren’t they? (Gotta elongate those legs.) And such an easy way to step up a regular jeans+tee look. I’ve said before that I wanna be one of those people who can throw on heels with any old outfit.
Chicwish Knit Your Love cardigan, ivory | It just looks so fun and cosy, maybe even a little kitschy, but the ivory colour offsets that a bit and makes it seem more modern/chic/trendy/statement.
Hello Molly Moves and Motives midi dress, mustard | I saw this dress on Instagram and hunted it down. Whilst browsing the site, I found a bunch of other stuff, which explains the links below. But my favourite is definitely this one. I love the colour, the buttons, and the shape of the skirt. The cut-out and bow is a little… fancier… than what I’m used to wearing, but who doesn’t like dressing up? (They’re out of stock now nooooo. They were in stock when I first found them tho. Sad.)
Hello Molly Strange Fruit midi dress, pink | I’ve always loved midi dresses from afar, but shied away from them myself because I’m short. But now I’m like. WHO CARES. I like the simple design–versatile. Also this dress has pockets. (Also sold out now. Meh.)
Hello Molly Sun Comes Up dress, yellow | Bright, fun, flirty. Like the colour. Frilliness is just right (not too much). Wrap shows off waist (the part of me I’m least self-conscious of).
Hello Molly Forget the Feelings dress, tan | Looser, cuter than the other dresses. Casual, fun. Probably fits my current style the best (most comfortable).
KeepCup Brew Cork, medium almond | KeepCup first got on my radar when I saw it on Carrie x One Pleasant Day‘s blog, and I was reminded of it again by Michelle x Daisybutter when she mentioned it recently. I haven’t yet bought it because I keep telling myself that I don’t need more tumblers, but the more I think about it, the more I want it. I used to think that the medium was too small, but now that I think about it, it’s a pretty good size, and I don’t yet have a tumbler of this size (mine are usually bigger).
Beijing: A photo from my winter break internship with my coworkers Yingting and Jingwen on Jingwen’s last day. Random selfies with my little brother; I need to practise (taking selfies). The photo from the elevator story. A photo dad snapped of me, sitting on the ground at home, waiting for the rest of the family to hustle out the door, which always takes forever. I’m digging the excess of pink; it’s a look.
Philly: Heading into the city for dinner with my Hell Family (it’s a Bryn Mawr thing). Note the dude photobombing in the back. Selfies with my Hell Sisters. Group photo of the Hell Family after dinner and karaoke at Canton 11 in Chinatown. Lots of Bruno Mars (not Major) was played (not my choice for the record). Me completely satisfied at Kungfu Tea.
All those Philly pics were from the same night. Dang I need to take more pictures. I remember awhile ago my goal was to get into the habit of carrying my fancy camera around and snapping all the little moments. And then I shifted to wanting to make the most of iPhone photography so that I could still capture memories without having to lug around my camera. But now I think I need to get back into the habit of carrying around my fancy camera and challenging myself creatively. I need to get back into the habit of looking for inspiration in my everyday and not just wait for it to happen upon me.
How was your month?
PS: first week of january, second week of january, third week of january, fourth week of january
PPS: i’ve done this series for a whole year now! check out my first post of this series recapping january 2017.