It’s my last week at work; next week I’ll be back in Philly for school! It’s time for me to go through my mental checklist of what I need to get sorted before winter break ends, which mostly consists of updating my resume and LinkedIn, consolidating my class schedule and figuring out which classes I want to shop during the first week, prepping everything for Her Campus Bryn Mawr, and drafting as many blog posts as I can so that I don’t have to worry too much about it once school starts, because who knows how crazy it’ll get? Oh, and if I have any time to read, that’d be nice to squeeze in too.
I keep swiping water bottles from the office pantry and bringing them home. Now my house has a ton of water bottles. I think it’s because I was traumatised by the water dispenser that my house used to have, which was excruciatingly slow, so now I feel like I need to hoard all the water I can get. But my house got a new water dispenser since I last visited, and it works well, so I really need to calm down with the water bottles.
When I got back to Beijing, I found that my brothers (I have two younger ones) had fuzzy pyjama pants and I was jealous. Well, my mom finally got me a fuzzy pyjama set! All our fuzzy pyjamas are from Uniqlo.
For English class, my little brother had to write a blog post on a book he was reading, and he decided that he wanted to post a picture to go with it. I asked him if I could help him take the photo, and he said sure. So I took a photo, edited it with VSCO, and then Airdropped it to him, to which he said, “Wow, looks like an Audrey blog photo,” haha.
My little brother’s friend told him that Jamaica Blue has the best pasta in the world, and ever since then, he’d been wanting to try their pasta. When I was still in high school, my friends and I used to go to Jamaica Blue quite often, so it was nostalgic seeing my brother excited about this part of my high school experience. Over the weekend, my family and I had brunch at Jamaica Blue.
My dad wanted to take a selfie with me whilst we were in an elevator whose interior was all mirrors. He needed to get to the 13th floor and I needed to get to the 14th floor. Alas, we did not get a good selfie before we reached the 13th floor. So he took the elevator to the 14th floor to try to get a good one. But we still weren’t successful. So he told me to stay in the elevator and ride it back down to the 13th floor with him so that we could try again. Still didn’t work. We left it at that.
Caught up with two friends over dinner this past week: Kathleen and Kelsey!
I finally got a Chinese bank account! I needed to set one up to get paid for work. Anyways, when I was out with Kathleen, I ran out of cash after dinner, but I wasn’t worried because I had my snazzy new Chinese debit card for dessert. Unfortunately, the dessert place we went to only accepted cash and WeChat Pay, which I thought was pretty funny – debit cards are useless! Almost everywhere in China uses WeChat Pay, which is pretty cool, except I don’t have it hahh. I ended up borrowing cash from Kathleen and then paying her back later.
How was your week?