This past week was a relaxing one. I did my time the week before and after fall break. Which meant that I was able to work two weeks ahead and make the life of future Audrey easier. Of course, I only worked two weeks ahead because I was procrastinating my second senior thesis presentation that I have to do this Friday. But I’ll get around to that.
// I had two classes on Halloween, and both of my professors brought candy to class! I enjoy being treated like a Kindergartener.
// Upon which I discovered my new favourite candy: Snickers peanut butter squared. I never knew that these existed?? I think I like them more than Reese’s, which is a serious statement! Later in the week I went grocery shopping and looked for Snickers peanut butter squared, but I couldn’t find a bag of just Snickers peanut butter squared; there were only bags of assorted Snickers, but I wasn’t interested in the other flavours. I did later find them on Amazon, but I really shouldn’t buy a whole box of Snickers peanut butter squared… (I wish it was “squares” and not “squared.” “Snickers peanut butter squares” has a better ring to it, no?)
// For my design class, we turned in our animations and watched them in class. The professor was trying to determine an order to watch them in and then said, “Nobody wants to go after Audrey; she’s on fire!” which was probably meant as a compliment and I was flattered, but it was so awkward omg. Also, up until the moment he said that, I was feeling pretty confident about my animation, but then all of a sudden I was filled with doubt and was worried that I wouldn’t measure up to his hype. I still don’t really know how it went; I was sorta paralysed. Let this be a lesson to establish low expectations of myself so that I can dazzle them with how average I am afterward. (Just kidding.) (Or am I?)
// “My coconut water leaked in my backpack!” I exclaimed before class started, to which my friend replied, “That’s the most bougie thing I’ve ever heard.” GOALZ MAN. I can die happy now.
// I was leaving class and a classmate held the door open for me even though I was way behind him. All I’m saying is, if someone was as far behind me as I was behind him, I wouldn’t have held the door open; I’d give it a half-hearted extra push, but not more than that. I was still way behind him when we encountered our next door, except I wasn’t going out that door like most students, but I was too far behind to tell him that, so he just continued to hold the door open as I walked in what appeared to be his direction, but little did he know, my trajectory was due to make a turn before the door. So I got to the door and he finally continued on his way, and since he had been so diligently holding open the door, I decided to hold the door and keep it open for the next person even though I myself was not going out that door. I feel like everyone has experienced an awkward-door-holding social encounter some time in their life, and I have too, but none quite like this! I am thankful for the dude’s efforts though. Stand up guy.
// Marjorie (my roomie) makes three course meals?? Okay not actually, but for a meal, she’ll make three dishes. Which is some new kind of luxury in my life, because when I cook for myself, I usually just cook a lot of one thing.
// I’ve scheduled another senior photoshoot, thanks to the reception to the one I did with Azalia! $$$ yeeeee.
// I’ve talked about relaunching Her Campus at Bryn Mawr and maintaining it and all the excitement and all the work and all the excitement. But lately it’s really been giving me grief. It’s soooo much work with not a lot of pay off; I’m not getting paid and I’m not getting internship credit. Her Campus offers internship credit, and for a team member to get internship credit, all they have to do is uphold their regular responsibilities, which for our chapter is just writing one article every two weeks, but for a Campus Correspondent (me) to get internship credit, I have to make sure that we’re producing… let’s just say *a lot* more content than the current minimum requirement we’re barely reaching. Every time a team member (or even an exec member) doesn’t meet their responsibility, I have to make up for it. I can’t even give them more work when I feel like I’m overworked because they’re not meeting their current minimum requirements, so how can they take on anything extra? Of course, there are team members who have dutifully met their responsibilities from week to week, and for that I am so so so grateful, but is that our standard now? Sometimes I feel like such a tyrant. I feel like I’m riding people all the time, and I really don’t want to. I write whole weeks of content to give my writers more time to write their own articles because I don’t want Her Campus to feel like a burden for them; I want them to have fun with what they’re doing and come back and do more and maybe even bring friends (more bodies means more writers means less articles per writer means more manageable). There are more important things in my life that I need to take care of (like what the heck I’m doing after college??) and I really shouldn’t be spending as much time on Her Campus as I am, as I have to in order to keep our chapter running and meeting the minimum requirements of Her Campus Nationals. Part of me wants to quit; I had a good run fall semester, I don’t need this spring semester. But that means all the hard work I put into Her Campus this fall semester would be for naught. Also I don’t think Her Campus Bryn Mawr would be able to stick around if I wasn’t there, or if it did, I don’t think it would function on par with how it is now (which I guess is sounding pretty dysfunctional right about now, but that’s only behind the scenes ;)), but I feel like I have a reputation to uphold! Anyways. I just needed to get that off my chest. For now, I’ll just keep on keepin’ on.
// I got invited to something super exciting next week but I don’t want to spoil it yet!! Honestly it’s all I’m looking forward to. You’ll probably hear about it on the blog the week after the event :3
How was your week?