This past week I was on fall break! I had a bunch of plans but I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t do most of it. I realised that I’m not good at doing a little bit of everything every day; I’m better at spending one day doing one thing and another day doing another thing. Or maybe one big thing and one or two small things per day. I don’t know if this is something I should work on or work with, but it’s something I have to figure out for days I don’t have classes to structure my schedule (like, every day of fall break).
// Even though the Tri-Co was on fall break, UPenn wasn’t on fall break, so technically I still had my UPenn design class this past week, but it turned out that I didn’t. It’s supposed to be a Tuesday/Thursday class. On Tuesday, our professor sent out an email a few hours before our class to say that class would be a shortened because he had to leave for a flight. And he had already told us that he’d be away for Thursday. Anyways, I didn’t end up going to the shortened Tuesday class because of this crazy story which I’ll get into next, but it was a shortened class so nbd. In conclusion, I had zero classes.
// The crazy story: I was minding my own business in my room (probably wasting time) when all of a sudden Marjorie (my roomie) walked in with her bloody hand held above her head and said that she was trying to open the bathroom window but evidently pushed on the panes too hard and it shattered and she got cut. We had no idea what to do. It didn’t seem like something the health center could patch up, but was it serious enough to go to the ER? And anyways, the health center was closed for fall break. We called campus safety to ask them what to do, and they said to call 911 (typically they’d drive students to the hospital, but since Marjorie and I live off campus in a private residence, we had to call 911). But… we didn’t really want to. And it wasn’t serious enough for an ambulance. So Marjorie drove both of us over to the ER (I don’t know how to drive, useless human that I am). When we got to the ER, it was super chill. Like, the staff was super chill. I mean, it’s good that they’re chill so that they don’t freak out patients who might not be so chill. But like, Marjorie was bleeding so… maybe not take hours? We ended up staying at the ER about 1:00PM-5:00PM. Marjorie left with ten stitches. I joked, authentic stitches for Halloween? Too soon? (She has to get them taken out within a week anyway (the day after this post goes live), so, before Halloween… All for naught!)
// Thank you to my classmates and friends Louise and Steph who turned in my animation-in-progress for me for the class and professor to review. (The final is due this Thursday.)
// I usually don’t get whipped cream on my drinks, but this time I did. I had a meeting at Hothouse Coffee, and since one of my goals has been to give up coffee, I ordered hot chocolate instead and rewarded myself with a dollop of whipped cream. It was glorious, dripping from the mug and everything.
// I’m terrible at keeping in touch. The best I do with my high school friends is send an occasional text, but it’s not enough to actually know how they’re doing. This week I had a good catch up with Sheena. We’re supporting each other through the struggles of senior year LOL.
// Spent Sunday with Louise and Steph at my favourite cafe, Happily Ever After! We were working on our animation project, which was super fitting, because Happily Ever After is a movie themed dessert cafe! (Well, I worked on my animation, but I think Louise and Steph might have been working on other stuff haha.)
Keeping this week short because I got a vlog for y’all:
Music courtesy of JustAcoustic.
Finding music is a pain in the ass. I’m into acoustic tracks, so when I found JustAcoustic, I was like, imma just use all of these. I chose it because I saw in the comments under JustAcoustic’s videos people saying that they had used the acoustic track for their vocal cover. And I just… don’t know where to get good music for free. I don’t make videos enough for it to be worth it to subscribe to something like Epidemic Sound. So I’m trying to make up for it by plastering JustAcoustic everywhere?? (I’m a terrible human being.) According to YouTube, my video doesn’t have any viewing restrictions but is “monetized by claimant,” which means “You can use the copyrighted content in your video, but ads might appear on your video.”
Anywho, reflecting upon creating this vlog, I’m happier with the quality of this vlog compared to the daily vlogs I made during the first week of September. Music helped but I need to be better about it. I’m proud of myself for filming transitions. And for keeping a weekly vlog around ten minutes and not crazy long. I didn’t talk to the camera like people do in typical vlogs. Hopefully the captions helped. Here’s a link to my YouTube channel if anyone feels so inclined.
How was your week?