Ideally this blog post would have gone up right on the last day of my junior year of college, but here it is just in time before my senior year of college. Like in high school, junior year was my toughest year so far. Now I know why people study abroad during their junior year of college! Do I wish I studied abroad during my junior year of college too? Yes. But it’s not the end of the world. It would have been too stressful coming back and having to cram all the required courses for my double major. Anyways, I think I’ve made up for it with all the traveling I did this summer!
Moved into apartment // I moved off campus and into my first apartment with my roomie Kat! I was running around like a headless chicken trying to set up our electricity and internet, but I managed to do it somehow. If I had to do it again, I don’t think I’d feel any more prepared, because I can hardly remember the process, such was the feeling of overwhelm. I’ve loved having my own space and have found myself spending more time in my room, whereas I used to always hang out in the lab, library, or campus cafe.
Duo birthday surprise // My friends have a habit of surprising me on my birthday; I’m not sure it’s considered a surprise anymore haha. But this year was an especially unique experience, because Kat (my roomie) and I share the same birthday! We were surprised together, twice!
My first hackathon // Let’s just say that the most worthwhile thing we built at the hackathon was friendship haha. It’d probably be more accurate to call it a field trip than a hackathon. Whilst it maybe wasn’t the most productive experience, it was certainly a memorable one, full of good laughs. I smile every time I look back on that blog post. This is why I blog!
Got my beloved Zinus mattress // I’m still completely obsessed with my mattress! It’s what I look forward to after a long hard day and every day. It’s my happy place. I’ve raved enough about it in my blog post and on Facebook, so I won’t get into here. You can use my coupon to get 10% off your first purchase! (I receive a gel memory foam pillow set for every referral. Help me achieve my dream of creating the plushest daybed ever lolol)
Made cookie butter freakshakes // I stayed in Philly for Fall Break, and of all my Fall Break activities, having Ami and Victoria over at the apartment to make cookie butter freakshakes was my favourite. Who doesn’t love indulging?
Autumn photoshoot // My autumn photoshoot with Ami and Victoria over Fall Break was a close second. Even though I’m technically a Bryn Mawr student, I’m hardly ever on Bryn Mawr’s campus because I’m majoring at Haverford. Visiting Bryn Mawr’s campus felt like returning home, and I’m so grateful for such a beautiful campus!
Solo // I’ve had my fair share of solos, but my solo at Bryn Mawr’s Family Weekend was, idk, the most glorious? Not sure if that’s the best word for it, but there was definitely something awe inspiring about that moment. It had something to do with the grand venue (high ceilings and stained glass windows) and the wonderful acoustics. We sang Rajaton’s “Dobbin’s Flowery Vale.” I don’t know if I’m biased, but I think that was one of our top performances. And it didn’t hurt that just as our last note faded away, a dad let out a very audible “wow,” followed by a rupture of applause, and the Bi-Co’s choir director even asked about our arrangement (which was the original arrangement by Rajaton).
First time voter // Ever since Kris Allen won over Adam Lambert in season eight of American Idol, I knew that every vote counts (LOL jk! maybe…) (Danny Gokey was my number one). Despite the outcome of the election, I still stand by that statement. I’m not gonna lie, someone had to tell me to register to vote. And thanks to their good work, another person (me) was registered to vote.
James Vincent McMorrow concert with Victoria // James Vincent McMorrow makes me want to wear a hat and cuff my pants #styleinspo. As I’ve said earlier, junior year was my toughest year thus far, and it was the fall semester that really got to me. I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to make time for this concert during the school year, but I’m so glad I did.
Survived fall semester // Thank goodness this god awful semester came to an end–three CS courses, not a good idea. I’m happy to say that I am alive, passed all my classes, and didn’t drop out of college.
Hosted Secret Santa party // This was both an end-of-term celebration and Christmas celebration. Kat and I had friends over at our apartment, and by friends I mean CS majors. It was nice to hang out with these people outside the context of CS, a relief even. We ate Indian food on the ground at my coffee table and left our gifts by the fake fireplace. I was particularly proud of the gift I DIY-ed for Secret Santa.
Dropped a cappella // After a traumatic fall semester, I dropped all but one of my extracurriculars. Even though the people in my a cappella group and the singing we do together gives me much joy, I needed to give myself time and space. I wasn’t sure whether I would be taking a semester off or quitting (for forever o.o), but after gauging myself throughout spring semester, I’ve decided to drop a cappella indefinitely. Having my weekends back has made all the difference, and it’s given me a lot more time to explore my creative interests and explore my city.
Photoshoot with Steph // I kicked off the spring semester with a trip to Brooklyn with Steph, Kat, and Julia. It’s been so special being able to share this creative space with my friends. As you can see throughout the rest of this post, I’ve tried to make a habit of it.
Photoshoot with Alex // I snuck in another photoshoot this month! It was inspired by k-drama.
First Swarthmore course // I’m making my rounds through the Tri-Co! During my first year, the majority of my courses were at Bryn Mawr. During my sophomore year, the majority of my courses were at Haverford. This spring semester, I took two courses at Haverford and two courses at Swarthmore.
Photoshoot with Austin // A themed photoshoot for Valentine’s Day.
Impromptu apartment party // I’m not the most spontaneous person, so this was a cool growing experience for me? Something about it made me feel so college. And hanging out with friends is always a good time, especially when everyone’s warm and tipsy giggly.
Daniela Andrade concert with Steph // I’ve hit up a few concerts in Philly, but they were all at Union Transfer; this was my first concert at World Cafe Live. I loved the intimate space. Daniela Andrade has the most soothing voice and is so full of grace.
Watched Star Wars for the first time // And in Navajo no less (with English subtitles). My professor screened it in our Structure of Navajo course. How cool is that?? Maybe I’ll need to rewatch it in English haha.
Watched The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time // I checked out this play to fulfill my Deaf Event requirement for my American Sign Language course, but I would have gone even if I didn’t receive credit! The play itself was spoken, but there were interpreters at the foot of the stage; other than that, it was a “normal” play-watching experience for hearing people. It was a great show! I didn’t realise until now that I never watch plays; I usually go for musicals.
Photoshoot with Kat // Adidas themed.
Photographer for BMC’18 photoshoot // You may or may not recall last year when the class presidents asked me to design a poster for our class. They’re always thinking of different ways to treat us. This year they arranged a photoshoot for our class and asked me to be the photographer, paid and everything!
Designer for May Day // The traditions mistresses asked me to be the designer for May Day, also paid! The designs were printed on tees, totes, stickers, inflatable balls, and water bottles. It was scary because May Day is probably everyone’s favourite college tradition, so there was a lot of pressure to do well. Of course the few friends who knew I was the designer said good things about the designs, but I don’t really know how it was received by the rest of the campus. My personal opinion is that the designs were cute in an amateur way. I definitely need more practice!
First tech interview // So scary. Don’t really want to talk about it anymore. But an important experience. (The blog post was pretty detailed, so you can check that out if you want. I just can’t bring myself to dwell on it any longer.)
Celebratory dinner at SouthGate // With the same CS crew who Kat and I host parties with at our apartment. I felt like a big kid for going out for dinner rather than just snacking and drinking at the apartment. I think I still prefer those casual hangouts, ya know, while I’m still young. But anyways, it’s about the people, not the place.
Photographer for Friend’s graduation // Friend hired me to be her personal photographer for graduation! I was honoured to be asked to document such an important occasion for her. It was a little difficult as it was raining out, which limited what we were able to do, but we got our shots.
Garden Party girl // The Garden Party is a tradition Bryn Mawr has after the graduation ceremony. Anisha asked me to be her Garden Party girl! I wasn’t able to stay for the actual Garden Party, but I helped out with the planning. This was special because Anisha is my Hell Mom (another Bryn Mawr tradition), and we met two years before my first year of college at summer camp. Sooo we’ve known each other for awhile.
West coast road trip // Kat, Julia, and I hit up San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland. It was an experience to say the least. I documented it in so many ways (including vlogs!) so I think that’s enough coverage for it.
Got advice for my senior year of college?
Up next on the blog: a letter for my senior year of college
PS: sophomore year, first year