I’ve been a busy bee bzbz. Full of little moments, nothing super exciting to say overall, but I’ve been happy. My days are mostly going to classes, doing schoolwork, and finding moments in between to hang out with friends. I’ve been spending more time at UPenn lately because my new transportation card allows me to ride the train into the city for free on weekends! When I find that I’m not being very productive working by myself, I’ll pop on over, super cas[ual].
// I had a meeting with my CS advisor, and in the middle of it, he got a call that turned out to be a butt dial, so he told me, “Sorry but I have to butt dial them back!” So he called them back and left an empty voice message. Then the person texted back saying they were sorry, but misspelled “sorry” as “sorru.” My advisor asked for my help to come up with a response, so I suggested “no problu.” It was a hit. Gotta love dad jokes.
// Whilst at Benjamin Franklin Parkway for the Fireflies art installation by Cai Guo-Qiang I mentioned last week, I ran into Reina and we scheduled a dinner for Tuesday. Tuesday happened to be the last day of Restaurant Week in Philly, so we quickly made a reservation at a participating restaurant. The two of us shared two three course meals at SuGa, a Chinese-Western fusion restaurant. It was so good and I was bursting at the end of it! It was great to catch up with Reina and hear about her post-grad life.
// I feel so happy when Her Campus team members are genuinely interested in the club and come up with topics they’re excited to write about :’)
// I had two projects due on Thursday for my digital design class at UPenn, so on Wednesday night, after my 8:00PM-9:00PM meeting, I took the train to UPenn and stayed late in lab with Stephanie and Louise. Surprisingly, we were the only ones in the lab! I guess all our classmates were good students and finished their projects beforehand (update: some of our classmates were printing in class the next day so… tsk tsk @ them). Even though staying in lab until past midnight might not sound like fun, we had a good time and a food party while we were at it; Stephanie brought chips, Louise brought three doughnuts from Federal Donuts, and I went on a Starbucks run. It reminded me of my HL Art days back in high school. Always staying up to finish up those art projects! I think this will be a recurring event for the three of us throughout the semester.
// I don’t know why but I’ve never been a huge fan of Dunkin’ Donuts. If I want doughnuts, I want them from Krispy Kreme. If I want coffee, I want them from La Colombe or a local coffee shop. But this season Dunkin’ Donuts has maple pecan iced coffee and maple pecan lattes, which sounds delicious! So I tried it out and… wow it tastes good (for someone like me who likes sweet coffee) and it’s so cheap!!! Now I know why people get coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts. I’m pretty sure their medium is as big as or bigger than a Starbucks venti and cheaper than a Starbucks tall. I’ve already gone three days in a row o.o
// This past summer, Victoria and I both worked hard to relaunch clubs at our school; she relaunched She’s the First and I relaunched Her Campus. They’re both national organizations, so there’s a lot of responsibility for both of us. We’ve been supporting each other by reminding each other of deadlines, and now that we’ve both successfully relaunched, I’ve been wanting to support her in other ways. I was thinking about popping by She’s the First meetings, but they’re at a time I have class, so instead, I help them sell cupcakes at their bake sales! Friday was their first bake sale, and even though I didn’t personally sell a bunch of cupcakes, it was nice having that time to hang out with Victoria. (It’s a goal of mine to spend more time on Bryn Mawr’s campus and visit my friends.)
// Saxbys was giving away free pumpkin spice cold brews on Friday for the first day of autumn! Kathryn and I popped by right before our linguistics senior seminar. I shared about it on Facebook and told all my friends I ran into that day. I was telling my friend in lab about it and this dude overheard us and asked about more details (I think he went to get his free pumpkin spice cold brew).
// My friend invited me to a club event, and since there was free food, I took her up on it! But she didn’t end up going. But I invited a few of my friends so it was all good. But the club event turned out to be a club meeting so I felt like we were crashing it, but it ended up being fun! Since it was the first club meeting of the year, we just played bonding games and chatted. I met a girl who went to my high school and was involved in the same extra-curricular (Habitat for Humanity). I met a dude and we were wearing the same exact pair of Birkenstocks. I met another girl and our outfits were basically twinning (olive top, distressed denim). I don’t know if I’ll attend anymore meetings, but they have a banquet coming up to celebrate the mid-autumn festival, and I’ll probably go to that!
// I don’t know what I’ve been eating this past month, but I feel like I haven’t eaten any “real” food for awhile. So before I went grocery shopping this week, I flipped through my only cookbook (The Starving Artist Cookbook, gifted to me by Georgina) and chose a few recipes to try. This week I made ratatouille and honey mustard salmon! (I wanted to make ratatouille whilst watching Ratatouille but Ratatouille isn’t on Netflix T_T). The ratatouille was alright, but the honey mustard salmon was pretty good. Yay for real food!
How was your week?