Whilst making our way toward St. Paul’s Cathedral, Mira, Poonie, and I passed by Joe & the Juice. Mira was really excited about this because she had gone to the store in Iceland, and has since associated the store with Iceland. We popped in to see what all the rage was about, and I was immediately taken by the interior. I resolved to buy a drink and rest my feet there, even though I had just bought a can of Innocent bubbles lemon and lime from Sainsbury’s and was sipping away at it.
Mira got a ginger latte and I got an immunity juice (red grapefruit, passion fruit, apple), and both were pretty good.
Staring at the coffee cup, I figured that the name “Joe & the Juice” came from Joe being the silhouette of the man in the logo and juice being what the cafe serves. It was Poonie who pointed out that Joe was also for coffee, so the name of the cafe is just “coffee and juice.”
Anyways, back to Joe, the silhouette of the man. Another thing that struck us about the cafe was that it was aggressively male. Poonie says they only hire hot guys at the counter. The interior decor was very much like a bachelor pad. The music was so aggressive. And all the other customers were male.
And this struck us as odd, because juice is usually marketed toward women, in that weird way yoghurt seems to be exclusively marketed toward women. And Joe & the Juice was just… so male. We reasoned that this was because the brand was overcompensating for some insecurity with their masculinity. I guess men don’t feel like they have a safe space to drink juice, and Joe & the Juice fills this void for them.
Nevertheless, I stayed for the interior decor. And the a/c.
113 Cannon Street
London EC4N 5AR