We celebrated Ken’s birthday on our last day in Paris with pastries from Angelina. His only request was a raspberry macaron and the rest of it was up to us. He is not a boy who wants much, except to be left alone to game to his content, and to have the occasional dessert.
peach tart – selection of macarons – craquant chocolat-noissette – fraisier – mont-blanc – duchesse
Other than the desserts, a birthday celebration isn’t complete without Dad taking 5ever to do the set up for the family photo that only the parents want to do, though over the years the kids (which includes me) have gotten a little better with following Dad’s instructions for the family photos. Our only family photos are from birthdays because only then does Dad have the time to get the perfect photo. There’s almost no chance in getting a proper family photo whilst traveling because it’s usually too busy and there are usually too many tourists around (including us)!
Because we were celebrating Ken’s birthday, I’m going to let Ken give you the verdict on Angelina: “The rose macaron tastes like soap.” Haha let’s just say that he’s not the greatest connoisseur of fine things. But what’s wrong with that? Live simply and live well.
226 rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
+33 1 42 60 82 00