Kept this a secret in case I didn’t follow through, but I made a vlog!
I’ve posted “vlogs” before, but I haven’t yet tried doing a vlog vlog–ya know, the type where you talk to the camera and stuff. But I did it! I’m embracing the badly angled selfie videos. #candid? The majority of my spring break was spent doing photoshoot collaborations with PHLbloggers (roundup coming to the blog on Wednesday, so tune in for that!), so I was able to explore the city a lot in that way, but because I was so busy taking photographs during the photoshoots, I wasn’t able to vlog those parts to share with you. But even though those moments weren’t captured in the vlog, they still happened and I will remember them for a long time!
I wish I were a better YouTuber, because I think videos add another dimension that blogging doesn’t have. But not enough happens in my life for me to be able to post videos consistently, and then if enough did happen, I wouldn’t have enough time to edit it anyway. Unless I’m on break. Which I was :3
I’d love to hear your feedback!