It’s always exciting to meet other creatives. We get each other. We don’t need to apologise to each other when we want to stop in the middle of the street to snap a photo. Over spring break, I had the pleasure of collaborating with five Philly-based bloggers from the PHLbloggers group. I’ve chosen one photo from each shoot to share here and say a little something about, but you’ll have to go over to their blogs to check out the full posts with all the photos!
Paint the Town Chic | Priyanka
I was nervous about my first shoot, but Priyanka was so sweet! She picked out Elfreth’s Alley for the shoot location, which worked out really well that day, because even though it was a bright day, the alley kept the light soft in a comfortable shadow. In between shots, she recommended some more places in Philly for me to check out, just for fun and also for potential shoot locations in the future. We knocked out all the photos we needed in less than an hour. Afterwards, I was self-conscious and anxious about whether that was a good thing and it meant we were efficient, or if that was a bad thing and it meant I was too rushed and didn’t explore enough. But I think we got what we needed in the time that we used, and I’m happy with how it turned out. And anyways, if there’s anything we missed, we can always look forward to another collab!
– full post here –
Smoorelovin | Sarah
Sarah and I met up bright and early at South Street for our shoot, which was good because there weren’t too many people around and we didn’t have to wait for passerbys to get out of frame! Whereas Priyanka and I stayed in one alley for the entire shoot, Sarah and I roamed around South Street and looked for pretty walls and cool art. It was another bright day, but it was frickin cold. I was all bundled up with a bauble hat and gloves, but Sarah was braving it out in her fashionable outfit. We had to take a break in the middle of our shoot to find warmth in a coffee shop, during which Sarah told me a bit about what it was like as a UX designer.
– full post here –
Bells + Whistles | Kelsey
Kelsey and I shot four outfits between Old City and Center City, so yeah, I’d say that it was a productive session! Kelsey is a hustler, and working in fashion is what she wants to do. Fashion bloggers make it look easy and beautiful, but believe me, it’s no walk in the park (well, we did walk through Franklin Park, but you get the point). Walking back and forth and in circles, jaywalking whenever we found a beautiful wall on the other side of the street, looking at dogs, wondering whether we could borrow one to shoot with (but of course we didn’t actually ask because c’mon we still have dignity!). We worked with wind, with noise pollution, with various lighting situations. And I learned some thrifty tricks from Kelsey too!
– full post here & more to come –
Gentleman Within | Khoi
Khoi came over to campus for our photoshoot! It had snowed the day before and I wasn’t sure how difficult that would be to deal with, but we got some good shots in. We alternated between outdoor and indoor venues, and I think my favourite one was Dalton (the building with all the windows). It was interesting experimenting with the geometry of the window panes and the railing, and with the reflections off the glass as well. Before, during, and after shooting, we had a good talk about social media, organic reach, and finding a community. I’m so thankful that PHLbloggers had brought us all together! Khoi and I did another shoot on Monday morning (before my first class! efficiency!) and I’ll probably have a full post of that shoot up at the end of March, so look out for that!
Organized Mess | Chelsea
Chelsea and I did our shoot in Old City and kicked it off by grabbing a cuppa at Menagerie Coffee. Chelsea is someone I had discovered in the blogosphere before hearing about PHLbloggers, so it was pretty cool to finally get introduced! After chatting for a little while, we used the coffee shop as our first shoot location. I had always wanted to do artsy coffee shop photos, and even had Chelsea sit by the window whilst I shot from outdoor, getting some cool reflections in. This indoor part of the shoot was also quite nice because it was chilly out! After we finished shooting the comfy indoor shots, we roamed around Old City to find cobbled streets.
– full post here –
I had such a great time collaborating with these five, and hopefully we’ll all see more of each other during our time in this city. If any of you readers are creatives in the area and want to collab, hit me up! And for those of you elsewhere, I’ll live vicariously through your blog! Maybe one day we’ll run into each other during our travels 🙂
PS: austin, austin again, alex, stephanie