These are the photos that didn’t make the cut, not necessarily because they weren’t good enough, but because they didn’t follow the theme I had envisioned for the photoshoot. (Okay maybe it was just that the colours gave off different vibes, which made it seem less like of a cohesive collection.) But also because some of them weren’t good enough. If you missed my Brooklyn photoshoot, you can check it out here!
Of course, upon arrival, we kicked off our morning with a cup of coffee. At Gregorys Coffee, they had “flavoured latte” on their menu, which I didn’t know what entailed, but Stephanie inquired and chose a lavender latte. Next time I’ll need to try their other flavours too!
Between the bridge to the park, we passed by many picturesque backdrops. I even spied other creatives having their own photoshoots! There was a model walking slowly across a road and a photographer directing her to swing her bag. I bet she was a fashion blogger! (Can you find them hiding in the background of my first photo?)
Juliana’s Pizza – Kobrick Coffee Co
Around 3:00, my feet were starting to kill me, and so were Stephanie’s. Maybe our heeled boots weren’t the best choice to walk around in, but for the photo, right? I told myself that the only shoes I’d ever wear to NYC ever again would be sneakers. But I felt pretty good in those heeled boots for the first few hours. I bet I’m going to make that mistake again.
We searched around for a nearby cafe to sit in and rest our soles, which was more difficult than expected. Part way through our search for a cafe, we stopped on the street to get cannolis and sit on the bench across the stand. I got Stephanie to sit on the bench and hold my hazelnut cannoli while I squatted down beside her to snap a picture. Why does squatting feel so much better than standing?? Unfortunately, only the latter is sociably acceptable in public (also in a dress), so after I snapped my picture, I needed to get back up.
After resting our feet at a cafe and then popping by a few more places for eats, my feet were feeling better from sitting, but then my stomach started hurting from getting too stuffed! If I walked, my feet hurt; if I sat, my stomach hurt. Always a dilemma! This is the glamour behind our photoshoots.