I’ve never done one of these before, mostly because I didn’t think anyone would bother filling it out, but I’ve always been curious, and I’d like to grow this blog with the help of you all! I tried to keep it short and sweet; it only looks long because of the font size and because I listed out all my social media lol. Answer as many or as few questions as you have time for. I’d honestly be happy if I receive even ten feedbacks. Thanks tons!!
As of today, Brunch at Audrey’s has 378 followers on Bloglovin’, 175 likes on Facebook, 503 followers on Instagram, 142 followers on Pinterest, 5625 followers on Tumblr, 112 followers on Twitter, and 16 subscribers on YouTube. I don’t care very much about stats and do not actively promote my socials (except for Snapchat maybe haha) or even actively use all my socials (whoops), but I was curious about how they stood at the end of 2015 compared to now and wasn’t able to check because I didn’t mention it in my end-of-2015 blog post, so I’m mentioning them now in case I wonder about it again at the end of 2017.
Moving forward, I was thinking about what I wanted to do for 2017’s 52 Project. In 2016 it was 52 Happy Lists, and in 2015 it was 52 Mornings. Challenging myself with 52 Projects has been good, because it forces me to consistently post at least once a week, and it helps get my creative juices pumping. On one hand, I want this exercise to be hard enough to make me think, otherwise what’s the point, but on the other hand, I don’t want to have to take too much time writing these weekly posts, because I have a lot to focus on at school. Sometimes this results in my 52 Project getting a little sloppy and me not being totally happy with everything I post here.
So for 2017, I’ve been considering doing a 12 Project. It doesn’t have the same ring to it, so I suppose I should simply call them Monthlies instead. The idea is that this will allow me more time to think and to produce quality content that I’m proud of. More time and space to think is very much needed. I was thinking that these Monthlies would come out on the first of every month and would be old school blog posts with favourites and all that good stuff–a little bit of what I’ve been up to lately, a little bit of favourites, a little bit of what I’ve been wishlisting, etc.
I’ve also been wanting to do more photoshoots. I had so much fun shooting for my Autumn blog post, which made writing about it lots of fun too. I know it’ll be hard to bring myself to do this during the school year, during which I know the thought of spending a day away from work to do nothing but take photos would be incredibly tempting but also incredibly frightening. Maybe I could try to do this once a month, or if not, maybe once a season. And ideally I’d be shooting portraits or landscapes (natural and/or urban), not just an outing to a cafe or food photography–ya know, a proper photoshoot.
We’ll see how it goes. Don’t worry, I won’t be posting only once a month. I’ll still be publishing tons of travel and cafe posts in between the months (I’m so behind!).
And not related to anything but: I want to do more graphic design, but I’m not sure what to design… If I figured this out, I could have a new blog category: portfolio. I’m so inspired by design processes, i.e. Cocorrina.
What do you hope to bring to your blog in 2017?