I’ve been feeling okay, but idk if that’s because I’ve dissociated from my emotions and responsibilities or because I just have a really healthy approach to handling the chaos of nearing the end of term. I’ve just got three more days of school before I’m let off for Thanksgiving break, which I’ll be spending with my closest girlfriends in NYC, which is what we did last year and we had so much fun, so I’m v excited!
- We finished our Algorithms group project and it’s such a relief! Algorithms is the class that has been giving me the most grief this semester, although Programming Languages has been giving it a run for its money. Anyways, I’m thankful that my group members started off as friends and by the end of the project are still friends. You might recall all of our Algo bonding sessions full of bubble tea and coffee if you’ve been following me on Snapchat!
- We decided to celebrate completing our project, presenting it, and turning it in by seeing Daniela Andrade at World Cafe Live, but she had to postpone her show because she was sick, which is valid… (or which is_valid.pl hehehehe, a joke that only people in Algorithms can potentially appreciate but will most likely groan at). We decided to make a trip into the city anyway, because I think we deserved it after all our hard work. Unfortunately Austin couldn’t make it with Stephanie, Julia, and me, but we carried a photo of him on our phones and held it up whenever we took selfies together so that he would be included as well. We’re such thoughtful friends! It was a delicious night of ramen, matcha brownie sizzling ice cream, matcha mille crepe cake, matcha lava cake, and bubble tea. (All of which you would have seen as well if you’ve been following me on Snapchat!)
- A few weeks ago I got two new pillows for my bed, courtesy of Zinus, and I’ve been loving how soft and plump they are. They didn’t come with pillow cases, so I used the extra pillow cases I had back from when I still lived in a dorm, but they’re gross-looking, bright blue pillow cases. Kat had two extra pillow cases from the set of bed linens she got from Ikea (Ljusöga collection), and since she wasn’t using them, she gave them to me to use! Yay for a lovely roomie (and for her lovely #aesthetics haha).
- Caught up with Delaney over dinner! We used to live in the same dorm last year so we’d see each other often, eat breakfast together if I could get myself out of bed early enough, hang out with a big group of friends on some weekends, and watch How to Get Away with Murder on Thursday nights. But now that I don’t live at Bryn Mawr or take any classes there anymore, I hardly ever see my Bryn Mawr friends. So it was good to catch up (for the first time this semester omg), talk about feelings, how we were doing, all that good stuff.
- Christian House Thanksgiving dinner was good. It was nice to hang out with some of my CS friends in a non-CS setting. And the almond cake was so delicious, especially fresh out of the oven and topped with pumpkin ice cream.
- I finally finished eating the bag of chocolate and peanut butter cereal puffs that I didn’t like that much, which means that I can buy a new box of cereal yaaaaaaaaay! I’m thinking Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Honey Nut Cheerios. Or Corn Pops?? Or some old school Frosted Flakes? So many possibilities! I’m excited!
- It’s been frighteningly windy lately, which makes me just that much more thankful for my cosy apartment. Maybe over Thanksgiving I might find time to make a post about it!
- Currently listening to Lewis Watson’s cover of Everything Everything’s The Peaks.
In other news, I’ve reactivated Facebook, so Brunch at Audrey’s is once again live on Facebook! Mostly because quite a few people in my local/college community have been asking me about doing photography for them, so I figured I’d give them a hub to refer to and integrate it with my blog page, because for real, the only way to get information out to college students is through Facebook. Check out the page and give it a like to stay updated!
What was the highlight of your week?
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11.