My mind was totally frazzled the last few weeks before Fall Break, so I made the most of resting and recharging over Fall Break in order to come back to school and be ready to seize it. I was nervous about coming back to school and seeing how I would fare, but I think I handled it pretty well. It’s definitely something I need to be conscious about and actively work toward. Here’s to hoping that I can keep it up this week too! I’ve been telling myself that my weekdays are really just Monday-Wednesday to make the week seem more manageable. I have classes Monday-Thursday, but I only have one class on Thursday, and it’s pretty chill. Thursdays are usually stressful because that’s when problem sets are due for another class, but… I can do it!!
- I didn’t have anything due this week! A coding project that was originally due Thursday was pushed back to Monday, a lab that was originally due Friday was pushed back to Sunday, I have another lab due Monday, and I have a homework assignment due Wednesday.
- My friends and I have designated our meal times to be no-CS-talk times. It’s surprisingly hard (or maybe not surprisingly), but so important for our sanity!
- My linguistics professor is fantastic. I love the illustrations he makes on the chalkboard. More professors need to be like him! Class is so engaging and helpful. It’s one of those classes you either don’t want to miss because it’s fun or because it’s actually helpful. Or both!
- I didn’t run at all over Fall Break, but now that my roomie is back to motivate me, I’m easing myself back into it. This week I ran twice, which isn’t a lot but is two more times than last week!
- When it drizzles just enough for you to hear the pitter-patter on the fallen autumn leaves, but just light enough so that you don’t need to take out your umbrella.
- Having a friend with a car who likes to go out. Here’s to you Julia! Also Jordan! Thank you guys for driving me and Kat to HMart countless times for ddeokbokki, soondubu jjigae, honey pancakes, and more snacks.
- The weather has finally gotten cool enough for me to pull out my blanket scarf! I forget where I got mine, but this and this look exactly the same. (lol I cannot be a fashion blogger)
- This past weekend, my a cappella group had two concerts: one on Friday, which was a concert with the Haverford Mainliners and Johns Hopkins Mental Notes (this parody they performed killed me, and everyone in the audience), and one on Saturday, which was for Bryn Mawr College’s Family Weekend. Can I just say that Bryn Mawr parents are the best audience ever?? First of all, we performed in Thomas Great Hall, which has such great acoustics especially for our particular song (Rajaton’s Dobbin’s Flowery Vale). Second of all, Ami came to watch me and Georgina and recorded the whole thing (which you can watch here). Third of all, after we performed, a dad in the front row of the audience said very audibly “wow” and that was intensely gratifying. Fourth of all, after our performance and while we were walking off stage, the Chamber Singers choir director asked, “That was such a wonderful arrangement. We have to know who did it!” Fifth of all, an unnamed member of our a cappella group was caught by the choir director to answer the question and he was high on life and gave the most entertaining response.
- A warm cup of Mazel hazelnut coffee on a cold day.
- Currently listening to Warm on a Cold Night by Honne. Obsessed with this song. Probably gonna listen to it all through autumn and winter. Spotify has been pulling through for me this week, and I’ve found so many new songs that I like! It was hard to choose just one to share this week, but you can check out what I’ve been listening to here!
What was the highlight of your week?
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6.