I have one week of sweet freedom before I’m back to slogging it through school, so I gotta optimise my time by figuring out how to delegate it between rest (zzz), revitalisation (adventures!), academic productivity (review), and personal passion projects (blogging/photography/writing, apartment interior design).
- Homework: linguistics, programming languages, algorithms group project.
- Review and read textbooks.
- Reply to emails. I’m a compulsive email checker, so my inbox is usually always in tip-top shape, but it’s been a crazy few weeks. You know it’s bad when my emails aren’t sorted.
- Sleep by midnight.
- Morning runs.
- Get a week pass for the SEPTA and go into the city. I need to get out of this college bubble; honestly, anywhere outside the computer lab is good. I plan to get a few cups of bubble tea in as well.
- Get my PennCard. I got into my UPenn class, but I dropped it because I got into the courses I needed for my major, but since that didn’t happen until after I was registered for the UPenn class, I now have a PennKey, and I can pick up my PennCard whenever. I’m not sure I’ll ever use it, but it wouldn’t hurt to have it.
- Draft blog posts: summer in Europe, HackMIT, apartment updates, something secret about college (you’ll see).
- Finish reading The Heart of Henry Quantum by Pepper Harding, write a book review, and maybe get another book in.
- Use camera at least once every day, maybe get some photoshoots and portraits in.
- Tidy up, design, and photograph apartment. It’s been a mess ever since midterms.
- Buy candles.
- Buy a lint roller.
- Fix phone and update number. The battery life for my phone has been really fickle. It’ll go from 90% then drown down to 40% and then crap out five minutes later. Then I’ll stick a charger in and it’ll go right back up to 40%.
- Learn LaTeX so that I can type up my homework pretty.
- Learn C++ (via Lynda.com), and maybe get more Scheme in.
- Look into summer plans (jobs).
- Learn how to use eyeliner.
- Learn new recipes (and at least one Taiwanese one). Georgina got me an awesome cookbook called The Starving Artist Cookbook. Adequate, no?
- Make a freakshake.
- Dye hair.
- Watch Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. I haven’t been able to escape the ads/trailers. They’ve gotten me so pumped! I’ve never read the book, but I plan to get around to that some time eventually.
Got a break coming up? How are you planning to spend it?