This past week has had its ups and downs, but it started and ended up, so I’m thankful for what I have and thankful for the people I have. Here’s to another week of being actively and consciously happy ♡
- Julia surprised me with this lovely banana gift. I’m tellin’ ya, my friends are always looking out for me and making sure that I’m eating right, swiping bananas and bagels from the dining hall for me left and right. I’ve never received a banana as beautiful or personalised as this before, and I am honoured.
- While Julia and I were grabbing dinner at Haverford, my Bryn Mawr friends snapped me photos of the dinner they were having at Bryn Mawr. Apparently it was National Greasy Foods Day, and the Bryn Mawr dining hall was serving fried mozzarella sticks, fried mac and cheese, fried cheese ravioli, and a bunch of other fried foods that I don’t remember because I only cared about the fried cheese. Even though Julia had already swiped me into the Haverford dining hall and we were planning to go to a TA session straight afterward, Julia drove us over to Bryn Mawr and swiped me in again so that I could stuff myself with fried cheese :’)
- Julia, Kat, and I were craving McD’s in the evening, so Julia drove us over. Kat ordered an M&M McFlurry while I figured out what I wanted to get. Before I placed my order, Kat’s McFlurry came out, but they accidentally made it Oreo flavoured instead of M&M flavoured, so they gave her the Oreo one for free and went back to make an M&M one. Kat gave the Oreo McFlurry to me, so I didn’t end up buying anything myself!
- Someone left a very sweet comment on my May Day vlog, which I posted on Youtube a year and a half ago. As a jaded junior, it’s so refreshing to see frosh who are so excited about college. They remind me about the excitement I once had about this place and remind me of all the good things.
- I was having a very shitty night on Thursday and was pretty close to breaking down, but I had a really good heart-to-heart with Georgina that night and I had a really good heart-to-heart with Kat the following night, so I’m feeling a little better. There are still many things I am unsure about, but I’m feeling at least a little better.
- I slept almost all day on Saturday because I had the most horrid headache. I woke up at 9:00, ate breakfast, did some productive work, went back to bed, slept in until noon, ate lunch, went to rehearsal, came back, ate dinner, napped for an hour, and then went to lab.
- And so, I woke up at 5:00AM on Sunday. Having these extra hours in my morning was so magical. I showered, made myself avo on toast with a poached egg, made a bowl of matcha latte (just a mug but like, a really big mug), finished up an assignment, took a lil nap, did a lil more work, and ended my morning with another homemade brunch at a more reasonable time.
- I only ran once this week, but I also went climbing for the first time in forever! so that makes up for it. The last time I went climbing was for PE in high school. When I saw Courtney for the first time in three years for HackMIT, she introduced me to the world of climbing, which she’s gotten quite intense about, and so which has intrigued me. It’s fun but hard but fun! I have labs due every Sunday night which is why I procrastinated joining the climbing club, but hopefully I’ll be able to make time for climbing every Sunday!
- Currently listening to Breathe by Luke Cusato.
What was the highlight of your week?
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7.