Perhaps it would ease you to know that this post is late and that my apartment is way past the state captured in these photos. Also please excuse the poor quality. #candid? iPhone photos usually aren’t that bad, but these turned out quite grainy. I was probably too exhausted from moving in and building furniture to take proper photos.
I picked up the keys on August 15, and a week later, Kat (my roomie) came down with her dad from NYC. They arrived in the morning, and after moving her stuff into the apartment, we immediately set out for Ikea to buy our furniture.
It was so stressful picking out the bed. I was originally gonna get the Fjellse bed frame, but then I saw the Hemnes daybed and saw the potential to fulfill my childhood dream. I’ve always thought sofa beds and daybeds were SO cool! Also lofts. The only thing that gave me a headache was the price. I’m most likely only going to be in this apartment for my last two years of college, and then I’ll probably move out, so do I really want to get a daybed frame for $329.00 when I can get a normal bed frame for $89.99? And do I want to be responsible for moving this heavy daybed in and out? Arghh. But the daybed is so cool! And I love it! And sleeping space is v important! Physically, either bed frame would do fine, but emotionally, the daybed would make me so much happier!
I couldn’t make this decision on my own, so I Skype called my mom, and after some deliberation, she said that the Hemnes daybed was actually really cheap for a daybed and that sleeping space is important and that if I liked this one that much then I should just get it and worry about the rest later. So I did :3
Although when we started assembling the bed, I may have regretted my decision a little. This darn screw just wouldn’t go in! The screwdriver was starting to wear away at the nailhead, and if it wore all the way through, this bed would never be finished. EVER!
So for the first two nights in my apartment, I was bedless, homeless in my own home. It’s funny in retrospect, but it was rough man. Meanwhile, I contacted friends and tried to get my hands on an electric drill, hoping that would help.
Two days later, Kat’s dad came back with additional furniture and to help me finish up assembling my bed. He even brought a drill! But it was too powerful, so we ended up having to finish it up by hand. And by we, I mean he. I have no idea how he did it without wearing the nailhead through.
add me on snapchat @auderoylin!
I spent the rest of the day unpacking my summer storage boxes and building the rest of my furniture, which included a three-tiered shelf, a desk, a desk chair, a clothes rack, and a lamp. It’s beginning to look more like home! Up next for the apartment is the fun stuff: organising and beautifying, aka interior decorating!