This weekend I watched Mr. Robot S01E01 and Stranger Things S01E01. And also Stranger Things S01E02, E03, E04, …, E08. This coming week, the only things on my to-do list are to get my house furnished (my Ikea checklist is already written, and my Bed Bath & Beyond checklist has already been taken care of) and finish all of Mr. Robot and all of Silicon Valley. And, if I can, get all my Europe travel posts drafted and ready to go. That’s a productive to-do list for the last week before school starts, right?
- Signing the lease and picking up my keys last Monday for my new apartment went smoothly! In case you missed it on the blog, here’s an apartment tour. Throughout this past week, I’ve been busy hunting around Ikea, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Homegoods for furniture. I also finished moving my summer storage boxes from my summer apartment to the new apartment, so there’s that for progress.
- After years of my friends telling me I needed to try it, I finally ate Ikea’s Swedish meatballs with mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, and lingonberry sauce. Delish!
- I just accidentally typed “potatoes” like “pototoes” and I did it again. Hehe.
- I’ve spent two afternoons at Joe Coffee this past week. My devices now automatically connect to their wifi.
- I can now also walk from the train station to Joe Coffee without using Google Maps anymore.
- I was at a 7/11 with Grace, and while we were waiting in checkout, we saw this lady meddling with political dolls on the shelf. She rearranged them so that all the dolls of Ivanka’s dad were in the back facing the inside of the shelf and put all the dolls of Hillary Clinton at the front facing outwards. There was also another woman laughing maniacally (endearingly) at this woman’s shenanigans.
- I bought a three-tiered shelf from Bed Bath & Beyond for the new apartment! I had a week pass for the train this past week, so I thought I’d shop for all the small apartment stuff while it was still valid. I thought the three-tiered shelf was one of the “small stuff.” I took it off the shelf at Bed Bath & Beyond and was like “oh fckk.” It was not a “small stuff.” But I managed to haul it across two towns. I mean, it was mainly the train that carried the two of us, but I carried the shelf from the store to the train station and then from the train station to the apartment. So yeah. As I was nearing my apartment, which is close to campus, a lady called out from her car and asked if I needed a ride, saying that she was headed toward campus. She was probably a mom about to send her baby off to college :’) I wasn’t headed toward campus so I said I was alright but thanks, and I was really close to the apartment already anyway. Thank you kind lady!
- I finally revisited Happily Ever After Cafe, this time with Victoria and Grace. Victoria got an acai bowl, Grace got a Death by Chocolate Belgian waffle, and I got a Reese’s Belgian waffle. While we were there, the shop owner was experimenting with a new flavour with his liquid nitrogen ice-cream machine, and we got to taste test his bacon liquid nitrogen ice-cream!
What was the highlight of your week?
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.