Happy Fourth of July! Normally I draft these posts on Thurs/Fri then add to the list as the weekend goes on, but I’m away this weekend and have left my laptop behind, so I’ve scheduled this post to publish as normally scheduled, which means that I won’t have any updates about my Fourth of July weekend. I’ll be spending it staycationing at Jennifer’s apartment again, and this time with even more friends over! (Check out this post from when I staycationed at her place for Memorial Day Weekend!) Maybe I’ll share about it in a blog post of itself, or maybe I’ll cram it into my weekly Happy List. Hope everyone is having fun, because I have no doubt that I will be!
- So yeah, I finally got scheduled posts to work on WordPress! I don’t know why it wasn’t working for me before, but I installed the Scheduled Post Guardian plugin and now it works. I’d like to thank Twitter for this. I never understood how to use Twitter and felt like it was the sort of platform that was only fun if you had attention and a large following. But I was trying and failing to figure out how to fix my scheduled posts, so in a last ditch effort, I complained about it on Twitter, and a kind soul recommended this plugin to me. Thank you Twitter x WordPress community!!
- My current project at work has been to design and develop a website for another student’s ongoing research project. She’s still in the early stages of her research, so I’ve created the basic structure of the website and implemented as much of the skeleton as I could with what little content I had to work with. Meanwhile, my supervisor really appreciated my web design and wants me to redesign a website for another project. I’m so honoured and also really excited to do more design work!
- Last time I saw my lovely Chavers (I’m in an a cappella group called Chaverim) was at Swarthmore’s graduation and I’ve missed them so! A few of us are staying around Philly this summer, so we decided to hang out and have a Chaverdinner on Wednesday night. Charles hosted us for the evening, and we arrived to booze and chocolate chip cookies. Will swears that Double Dog Dare moscato is “drops of heaven.” For dinner, we worked together with Laura as head chef and cooked up a delicious grilled salmon with orzo, feta, and red wine vinaigrette (we used balsamic vinaigrette). The beautiful night ended with us serenading each other, as one does.
- I needed to catch the SEPTA to Swarthmore for the Chaverdinner, so as soon as I got let off from work at 5:00PM, I headed to the station. There were so many people on the train! Luckily I found a seat. As if that wasn’t enough good fortune, I also didn’t get ticketed on that ride. Then I needed to transfer to another train, and I found an Independence Pass (a day pass) lying on an empty seat, so I used that and didn’t need to spend a buck the whole trip! I mean, the Independence Pass wasn’t doing anyone any good just lying there, so it only makes sense that I put it to use.
- I realised that I’ve been making myself bibimbap for my meals. That definitely makes me feel better about eating the mush I’m cooking up. I love Asian food–you throw anything together and BAM it’s a meal. And to think I made bibimbap by accident. I’m just a natural born chef nbd.
- I watched Finding Dory with Julia on Thursday! omg I cried when [highlight for spoiler] Dory found her parents and they were explaining the stuff and the shells and omg everything. We’re hoping to watch The BFG next week. Oh yeah, and we had dinner before the movie and Julia taught me how to make samgyeopsal. YUM!
- Currently listening to Walking with the San by Charlie Simpson. [Spotify link]
What was the highlight of your week?
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.