Good morning! I know I’m having one. A fantastic one even. So much so that I’ve ditched my blog publishing schedule for today and am writing to you live with the GoT soundtrack playing in my ears (Light of the Seven ♡), sent to me by Kathy. Life is good.
But let me start from yesterday. I was feeling kinda bummed after work. I wasn’t the most productive yesterday after having finished redesigning a website the previous day (next I was supposed to be developing another website; I’ll be working on that today, hopefully). We had an hour-long “MegaBreak and ShareOut” workshop in the afternoon, in which all my co-workers got together and we ate free food provided by the library, socialised, and informally shared what we’ve been working on. Tbh, this hasn’t been very helpful since the first time we had a “MegaBreak and ShareOut” workshop, because we’re all just doing a continuation of what we’ve been working on, and it feels so awkward because the workshop supervisor changes every time and they don’t really get the point of the workshop either but try to guide conversation but it ends up feeling more like a Kindergarten show-and-tell, and I don’t know the majority of my co-workers because we all mostly work independently and they all go to the same school (Haverford) and I don’t (Bryn Mawr), as if new social situations don’t stress me out enough, but I go for the free food. Oh what I’ll do for free food.
There’s a post on Tumblr that goes something along the lines of *has an awkward social encounter* *is fucked up for 3 days*. I think that’s what might have happened to me yesterday. I was just feeling so down and I didn’t know why so I was trying to figure it out so I could make it better and maybe that was it. I mean, I talked to new people, engaged in conversation, even initiated a few, so I wasn’t like a loner awko-taco, but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
After work I performed my daily ritual of waiting out the sun in Saxby’s Coffee, and as I was drafting blog posts, I was also trying to sort out how I was feeling. Maybe all I needed to do was treat myself tonight. Starting off with a free McDouble from McDonald’s, courtesy of the McDonald’s app. Free food makes everything better, right? Idk. McDonald’s is so bad for you but I love it. I feel so gross after eating it but I love it. Point being, the instant gratification was not worth how gross I felt afterward, which did nothing to bring me out of my mood.
I got home and chowed down on hummus and crackers while watching Lord of the Rings. I tried reading my book (currently: A Field Guide to Getting Lost by Rebecca Solnit). I tried drafting another blog post. I tried listening to a podcast. And after all this I still didn’t feel that much better. It was only 9:30PM but it felt like 11:45PM. What a long evening it’s been.
So I decided to go to sleep. Maybe the temporary escape of sleep would do it. Sleep it off and hopefully feel better in the morning. Perhaps what I needed was simply a new day.
Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? -LM Montgomery
I planned it all out. I woke up at 5:00AM to give myself a comfortable hour to make a matcha latte, eat breakfast, pack lunch, and watch the sun rise before heading out to work at 6:00AM, two hours earlier than I usually leave, just so I wouldn’t have to walk in the heat. As I left the apartment, I saw a man coming up along the sidewalk walking his majestic bear dog. I slowed my pace so that I could walk behind them and maybe sneak a Snapchat but his dog kept getting distracted and I ended up ahead of them. I was crushed. But I said to myself, you know what? Just be one of those annoying people who touches everyone’s dogs (usually I never do; I just admire from a distance). So I turned around and told the man his dog was BEAUTIFUL and asked if I could pet him. He said yeah! and introduced me to Socks, his longcoat Akita.
It’s gonna be a good day.
I got to Saxby’s right when it opened at 6:30AM because I can’t swipe into the library until 8:45AM and work doesn’t start until 9:00AM. So yeah, I watched the sun rise and got to work 2.5 hours early just so I didn’t have to walk in the heat, and I’m thinking to make a habit of this.
I sat in my corner of Saxby’s, caught up with the blogosphere, and started writing this post while I saw several regulars come in for their morning cuppa, but more importantly, they came with their dogs. If you follow me on Snapchat right now, you can still see the adorable little pup on my story who was making his round in Saxby’s with his leash trailing behind him.
A good day indeed.
Then this man came over and complimented my keyboard stickers and asked me where I got them from because he knew his daughter would love them and he wanted to get them for her. Happy points because I got a compliment; happy points because this man was so sweet; happy points because thoughtful dad.
It’s gonna be a good day.
I hope y’all are having as fantastic a Friday morning as I am!
How are you doing today? (and how is your dog?)
tl;dr– My Thursday evening was pretty crappy no matter what I tried to do to feel better, so I slept. And I woke up to a beautiful morning of dogs.