Lately I’ve been seeing a bunch of blog posts about academic planners and other back-to-school shenanigans, and I’m just like chill. Then in the middle of this past week I realised that this coming week was my last week at my summer job, and then I’d be off to Europe! I didn’t even realise until my supervisor mentioned that there were a ton of projects he needed my help wrapping up in the coming week. These ten weeks of summer work have passed by so quickly! I’m at once excited to be done with work and on vacation but also anxious about getting closer to the next academic year. Junior year is gonna be a tough one.
- Highlights of my weekend in NYC: Matilda on Broadway, Koreatown, new hair. Check out the full post here!
- I stopped by Saxby’s Coffee early on Monday morning before work as per usual, but I arrived to a closed shop because they had a power outage. Instead, the barista was sitting at a table outside to welcome and apologise to the early birds, offering free cold brews. I happily accepted my cup then sat at a table out on the porch and read The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton until it was time for me to leave for work (power outage = no wifi). I had planned to spend my morning at Saxby’s catching up with the blogosphere after my laptop-less weekend in NYC, but it was so much better to kick off the week with a slow morning of free coffee, books, and sunlight.
- On my way to work, I saw an adorable little girl going on a morning jog in a blue and white dress alongside who I assume was her dad in a white shirt and black shorts. They ran back and forth on the road I was on and passed me three times before they veered off to the nature trail, at the head of which I heard the little girl exclaim, “I win!”
- Before Mom caught her flight back to Beijing, she cooked up a pot of bolognese sauce for me and Victoria. Yay, that means were about to eat real food (and protein!) for at least this week! I miss being babied.
- She also left me with a bunch of Timothy’s fruit teas so I’ve been having fun breaking routine from my usual Bigelow or Trader Joe’s green tea.
- “Audrey, I am so proud of you that you are so organize for everything. God will reward to your hard work these years. Please take good care of yourself”
- I was fed at work again! On Wednesday we cut the work day short at noon for a picnic, I stuffed myself with tomato and mozzarella, sweet corn, varieties of sandwiches, fresh berries, cheesecake, cannolis, and some kind of chocolate bark, and I took home three cannolis and two chocolate chip cookies. I haven’t had dessert in so long! It’s a luxury I can’t afford when I’m cooking for myself. Okay fine I’m just too lazy.
- On my way home, two guys were giving away free Kind bars and they offered one to me. I took it.
- So Kat and I got approved for our apartment, but there are still things we need to sort out before Move In Day such as utilities and wifi. Each of us have been saying, “okay imma do it this weekend,” but we just never got around to it. Finally I got around to it this past weekend, but only out of necessity because I leave for Europe this coming weekend (omg already?!) and I get back the weekend of Move In Day. There are still loose ends to tie, but I’ve taken a big step in adulthood.
- I was contacting the Internet service provider through their online live chat, and at one point I said “?” because “Okay!” was too excited and both “Okay.” and “Okay” were too cold, and the dude who was helping me out replied “♪♫♪♪” then “Cool! Love that!?” haha. I wonder how old that dude was… Anyways, the conversation got kinda weird later but I left with a discount so yay!
- I stopped by the local XFINITY store on Saturday afternoon to pick up my Internet modem and carried it around all day. Around 10:45PM, Victoria and I were at the 24-hour CVS. I carried my Internet modem in and the security stuff beeped. A customer jokingly said “God forbid you keep taking things into the store!” An employee came up and said “Whatcha got there,” and I immediately said “Wifi,” and he was like “Wifi?” and I was like “Yeah!” and it didn’t even strike me as strange until a minute later as I was browsing the aisles that I just told the dude I was carrying wifi. Anyways, he was just messing with me but I bet he was confused. Silly me.
- I’ve been doing so much reading! This week look out for a few extra posts on the blog for book reviews!
- Currently listening to Suitcase by Matthew Koma.
What was the highlight of your week?
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.