Time is always a funny thing when I’m on break. Is it Monday? Is it Saturday? Who cares! It’s summer! Looking back on my week and trying to account for my days, it feels like I’m not doing much. Is it problematic that the majority of my List seems to consist of food? I don’t have very many updates except that my watch of this week has been Pirates of the Caribbean. (Last week was Harry Potter.) (Maybe this week I’ll go for Lord of the Rings.) It’s scary to have the days go by and having it seem like you’ve done nothing with that time. I mean, I have been doing stuff, but nothing that feels worth reporting on. I’ve been working 9-5; I’ve been working on my blog; those two things are basically my whole summer. I’ve fallen into a routine and there doesn’t seem to be much to update you on except that I’ve made more progress with my web design for work and I’ve edited more photos and drafted more posts for my blog, both of which excite me and are fulfilling, but aren’t as exciting to talk about as they are to show. Nevertheless, let it be known that I am content
- I’M SEEING TOM ODELL ON OCT. 3!!! I got an email from Union Transfer on Thursday from last time I subscribed to their weekly newsletter when I bought my tickets for Oh Wonder. Their newsletter rounds up newly announced concerts and also concerts of the upcoming week. I innocently grazed my eyes down the list as I do when I get any email from them, and there he was… Tom Odell!!! My brain and heart went into overdrive, texting all my friends about Tom Odell and asking if anybody would be willing to go with me. (I found someone!) I listened to Tom Odell all weekend and familiarized myself with his newly released album Wrong Crowd. I’m so ready.
- I always dread when the weather forecast says it’s going to rain on a weekday because I need to walk to work and my rain boots are packed away into summer storage. The first time I needed to walk to work in the rain, I wore my only sneakers only to have them completely soaked by a douche driver who driving too close to the curb. It was a miserable walk to work. Since then, I’ve only worn flip-flops whenever the weather forecasted rain. So yeah, I dread the rain. Which makes it all the sweeter when I find that my walk to and from work perfectly align with the two times of a rainy day in which it is not raining. I truly am a #blessed soul.
- When work ends at 5:00PM, I walk to Saxby’s Coffee, which is right at the edge of campus, and stay there until it closes at 8:00PM, after which I make the trek home. I do this so that I don’t have to walk outside until the coolest possible moment. Around this time is also when the sun starts setting, which occurs around 8:30PM in the summer. It’s so peaceful walking home in the sunset, looking up to cotton candy clouds.
- As you may recall, I had Kathleen, Julia, and Ami over to the apartment last weekend for brunch, in which we made bubble tea and pancakes. Julia also brought a bag of Pepperidge Farm strawberry thumbprint cookies that we nibbled on while we were cooking, and left the leftovers to me, which I’ve been munching on throughout the week. For some reason, thumbprint cookies have always seemed like boring snacks to me, like compared to a Pop Tart or something. But I have judged too quickly. Pepperidge Farm strawberry thumbprint cookies are delicious and I feel very sophisticated whilst snacking on them. Yes, I’ll have a biscuit with my tea.
- This is how I’ve been living this summer: “I lowkey hate spending money on food. I be looking at my bank account like ‘I coulda just starved tbh, it wasn’t even that serious'” –Tumblr. While Kathleen was here this weekend, she helped me grocery shop and added something to my diet other than eggs and spinach (yo but can we appreciate the fact that I can get a dozen eggs for 99¢??), so this week I’ve been enjoying hearty, colourful meals.
- I also bought myself a toffee with walnuts and pecans dark chocolate bar from Trader Joe’s. I haven’t had chocolate in so long! Unff.
- On this week’s episode of Magill Provides: chips and pineapple salsa, pita and hummus, Pirate’s Booty popcorn. (My summer job is at Haverford College’s Magill Library, and they like having workshops and giving us free food.)
- I’ve been using my empty Bonne Maman blueberry preserves and Smucker’s Goober Stripes glass jars for everything–tea, overnight oats, cookies, etc. The only thing is that the paper labels are still on them. I really want them off, but there’s nothing worse than having remnants of opaque glue and paper on the outside of jars. The texture, grossss. So I’ve been using them with their paper labels, putting up with the Smucker’s Goober Stripes label calling my hipster cred into question, washing the jars in really hot water when I’m done with them, and picking away at the labels bit by bit. The labels for the Smucker’s Goober Stripes finally came off! Now just gotta work on the Bonne Maman blueberry preserves…
- Currently listening to Concrete by Tom Odell :3
The title of this Happy List was very nearly “Tom Odell.” Geez, get a grip on yourself Audrey.
Side note/question: Do you prefer when I link music via YouTube or Spotify?
What was the highlight of your week?
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.