I’m starting to warm up to my summer apartment. The bathroom is still a mess, but everything else isn’t too bad. The living room is a little empty, which is only emphasized by the floor-to-ceiling sliding door/window to the balcony, but I kind of like the empty space. It’s just begging for a night of sitting on the ground eating pizza even though I have a perfectly good dining table the next room over. Also, the acoustics are great, and how magical is it to strum away on the guitar right before a huge window in an apartment I have all to myself? This week has been low key.
- Julia and I went to watch X-Men: Apocalypse at Studio Movie Grill, which is a dine and watch theatre. It wasn’t as fantastic as I expected (there was so much hype!), but it wasn’t bad. There was like, only one thing that happened in the entire movie, which is disappointing considering it’s 2.5 hours long, but whatever, it’s what you expect from any superhero action movie. I just watched it for Evan Peters anyway, and I was satisfied.
- Speaking of watching things, I’m also currently watching Downton Abbey again. My apartment doesn’t have wifi, so I’m left to doing offline things like watching TV shows I have stored on my external hard drive. Last I watched it, I got up to season three with my dad before last summer ended and never picked it up again because what was the point now that [highlight for spoiler] Matthew Crawley was dead?? Anyways, I’m back at it and it helps me when I’m feeling homesick. I’ve started from the very beginning and will hopefully watch until the very end.
- At my summer job, we have periodic workshops and socials, which means, most importantly, that there will be free food. This week we got free doughnuts, green grapes, and strawberries!
- I’m experimenting in the kitchen and starting off with basics. Last week Victoria and I successfully steamed rice, so for the first few days I ate rice topped with curry or furikake. When that ran out, I cooked up another batch and made an attempt at fried rice. It was kinda bland and tasted like normal rice, so I’ll have to give that another attempt. But on a happier note, I fried some eggs and they were delicious. Eggs are wonderful. They’re so simple and yet make anything feel like a full meal. I know I know, when is my cook book coming out? I saw Mimmi/Muted Mornings‘ Monthly Meals post and was inspired to do something similar, hoping that doing this would motivate me to cook and eat proper meals. So I’ve been taking pictures of my creations, and if they turn out alright, I might be sharing them on the blog too!
- This weekend I went window shopping! It’s a lot of fun because you get to play dress up and also get to walk away with all your money still safely tucked in your wallet.
- Currently listening to Roll Up by Fitz and the Tantrums. Follow me on Spotify @auderoy!
What was the highlight of your week?
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.