And that concludes my sophomore year! I can’t believe that I’m already halfway through college! A year ago I didn’t know anything about computer science. The only coding I knew was basic HTML and CSS I caught on from fiddling with my Tumblr and blog template. There are some close friends I have who I’ve really only just met (like, a few months ago!) but felt like I’ve known for years (like, for at least two or three!). Right now I’m at a stage where I definitely feel like I have a long way to go, but looking back to where I was, I’m proud of how far I’ve come.
- Dorm Leadership Team: I remember how nervous I was about taking on my job as a Peer Mentor. I’ve had experience with leadership roles and I’m comfortable with my manegorial skills, but I’m still working on improving and being confident when I need to take on social roles. As a Peer Mentor, I need to look at things hollistically and take into account a student’s wellness in addition to their academics. I’m both their peer and their mentor 😉 As a first-year, I remember being overwhelmed by online preregistration for courses and trying to figure out what classes I needed to take to fulfill my requirements and planning out the whole of my next four years. My advice is to take it day by day and it’s really not that bad. There’s only so far planning can get you anyway. I laugh when I think about how I was still an intended international studies major at the beginning of this school year!
- Birthday surprise: My friends came over to my dorm at the beginning of the year to stick posters of my face all over my door and I’ve left them up for the entire school year. My middle school brother also made me a swaggy e-card with Word Art that I printed out and stuck up in my room. My room is packed up for the summer, but I think I’ll have that card out again and framed.
- Blog intern at Athena’s Guide: I remember being bummed about not getting the job as a Bryn Mawr Banter Blogger, and to be entirely honest, a little surprised too, but I think that it worked out for the better. I don’t think I would have used it as a creative outlet, but rather as a sort of Bryn Mawr diary where I’d mainly share quick recaps of events I’d gone to; if I wanted to share something a little more creative, I probably would have just swiped it from this blog so that I’d get paid for it without having to create entirely new content. Athena’s Guide is very different, so I couldn’t do anything like that. It’s been fun experimenting with writing in a way to cater towards this age in which everyone just wants to get their information quick and easy. I think the kind of blog posts I write here are still my preference over Buzzfeed-style listicles, but I’m going to challenge myself to find a way to make an art of it. One of the perks of working for Athena’s Guide is that I’m the sole blogger, so I have creative reign to take the creative reins.
- How to Get Away with Murder: Here begins our weekly viewings of HTGAWM in New Dorm (yes, we have a dorm called New Dorm). Shout out to Rhea, Sedi, Delaney, Alexis, Arianna, and Princy! I’m not the kind of person who expresses things very outwardly, so it’s a lot of fun watching HTGAWM with other people who do. It’s also fun to make our own conspiracy theories and wild guesses and then laugh in everyone’s face when our theory coincidentally proves to be true. I actually quite like watching TV shows week to week rather than binging them all at once. Suspense definitely adds to the experience.
- Magic Gardens: *the post for this is going up next Wednesday so don’t forget to tune in!* Philly’s Magic Gardens has been on my Philly bucket list for awhile, and I finally got a chance to go over fall break! Most of my friends had gone back home, but a few stayed around so we went together for a fantastic day of photos. Shout out to Rhea, Sedi, Rachel, Rina, Romy, Arya, Isabella, and Noah! Other than Magic Gardens, my fall break was pretty uneventful, which is just the way I like it. Sometimes you really just need a break–not just a break from academics to go do more other fantastically adventurous things, but to really have a proper break and rest up.
- First college party: Well, actually it’d be more accurate to say that it was my first gig as party bouncer, but that doesn’t sound as exciting. Or maybe it does. I was heckled and I felt badass for dealing with that troublesome drunkard. It was a Halloween party that was only open to Tri-Co students (Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges) and their invites, but for some reason all these Harcum kids wanted to get in. I really don’t get why because we really aren’t the best campus to be at for parties, but for some reason these people were here. I asked them for their ID and they said they forgot it and I said to ask a friend to sign them in as guests and they said they were all friends and I told those smartasses to ask a friend with an ID to sign them in as guests and they said they had all forgotten them so I said to ask someone else then ushered those liars away. Which I thought would be the end of it, but then an hour later one of the girls came back all drunk and tried to slip past me so I went over to block her and asked her for her ID when Campus Safety recognized her as well and came over to help me out so she was like “okay okay I’ll go but this girl (me) is pushing me!” then *angrily* “she can’t push me!” and started making a ruckus and tried to pick a fight with me but it’s all chill coz Campus Safety knows that I didn’t push her and took her away. Nice.
- Snapchat official: I created Bryn Mawr College’s very first Snapchat filter! I guess you’ll just have to come and visit to check it out 😉 Add me on Snapchat @auderoylin!
- First paid photography gig: This year I’ve been making a point of only taking on photography gigs if I’m getting paid. A lot of the time when people ask me to take pictures for their club or event, I feel like it’s just because they happen to know a photographer and it’d be nice to get pictures. It’s very convenient for them, but it’s a lot of work for me. I was very hesitant making this transition because I wasn’t confident in my concert photography and wasn’t sure if it was worth charging anyone for, and last year I even turned down some requests because I was worried I didn’t know how to do this type of photography, but this year I took on my first paid photography gig for the Fall Student Dance Concert, and I’ve taken on a few more gigs since.
- Thanksgiving break in NYC: Thanksgiving break was so great. How could it not be when I was on break, in New York City, with my best friends Georgina, Ami, Victoria, and Grace, and getting pampered by Georgina’s mom? I experienced my first American Thanksgiving and ate my first Brussels sprout and I actually quite liked it! Also, I vividly remember when we first arrived at Georgina’s house and she presented us with bubble tea from Tea Magic.
- Dutch Blitz at Haverford’s Christian House Thanksgiving dinner: This was my first time at Haverford’s Christian House. I was a little nervous as I always am when put in new social situations, but a competitive game of Dutch Blitz waved my anxiety aside. I feel like card games and video games are great/easy ways to socialize with people; you’re playing with other people, but you’re in your own zone. Except I’m hopeless with video games, so cards it is. We played many heart-racing rounds, enjoyed each other’s company, and a few of them I’ve gotten to know better throughout the school year. Yay to new friendships!
- Cooking ddeokbokki: Last semester the theme of my Chinese class was food, which meant that we got to cook in class every once in awhile. This semester the theme was film, so I’ve missed the food and the cooking. (We don’t have kitchens in our dorms to cook.) But one day after class, Julia, Lamei, and I whipped up two batches of ddeokbokki, which is my favourite Korean food. Julia so kindly bought all the ingredients from H-Mart for us!
- Hell baby: Hell Week is one of Bryn Mawr College’s most beloved traditions. The actual week of Hell Week is in February, but the preparation for it starts even before winter break. I had planned to get dinner with friends and had already headed to the dining hall when they texted me to ask where I was, thinking we’d all be leaving together from our dorm for dinner, but I was already out. They had a surprise for me all set up, so what else could they do but show it to me over Snapchat? Romy [Hell] proposed with Snapchat and bubble tea and I said yes!
- Lauv & Gallant: Lauv and Gallant came to perform at Bryn Mawr College! Ever since my first live concert experience over the summer (George Ezra), I’ve been wanting more, but at a small liberal arts college, I don’t expect that we get big music artists to come because 1) we don’t have enough money and 2) the artist doesn’t reach as big of an audience. So when the Bryn Mawr Concert Series announced the lineup for their fall concert and I recognized two of the artists, I was very excited. I had a camera on me, so I was able to weasel my way up to the restricted access area and snap some pictures. Lauv also came up after their performance so I was right next to them 😮 They also liked my Instagram and Twitter :3
- Los Angeles: Over winter break I visited my hometown for the first time in three years! I documented every bubble tea I consumed on Snapchat. My favourite was Honey Boba.
- Winter externship at the Austin Fire Department: In high school, many of my friends would spend their summer and/or winter breaks working, and I’d participate in programs. But now that I’m in college, it’s time for me to start working or at the very least do an internship. At the end of freshman year I was so overwhelmed by my responsibilities (like figuring out summer storage and interviewing for campus jobs for next year on top of studying for my finals) that I couldn’t bring myself to work on finding a job, but I was determined to make up for it by finding something the next break. Bryn Mawr College’s Career and Professional Development office made it so easy for me. I applied to their winter externship program, which provides opportunities to undergrads through alumni, and nabbed my first choice externship at the Austin Fire Department working in Business Intelligence. I was also really excited for my second choice externship, so I’m already planning to apply for that one next winter!
- Oh Wonder concert: I’m always looking for new music and small bands so that I can enjoy them without having to get through a whole crowd of people. Finding your new favourite band is like having a secret you want to share because it’s exciting but also don’t really want to share because you want it to be all yours. Oh Wonder was one of those bands for me, but once I found out they were having a North American tour and stopping by Philly and that their tickets were only $15, I asked all my nearby friends if they’d come with me. I had such a great night with Kathleen, Vanessa, Sarah, and without my cameras, which is kind of a big deal for any blogger/photographer!
- Tuesday Lunch Club: I’ve been very conscious of my friendships this year and I’m not sure how I feel about that. On one hand, it’s good to be able to prioritise how you spend your time and who you spend it with, but on the other hand, as an introvert, I already do too much living in my head. The first time the Tuesday Lunch Club ate together was vaguely documented on the blog (skimping on details as to not be creepy), and now reading that after a semester has passed, my heart swells and I just feel completely happy to have this bunch in my life. Shout out to Kat, Julia, Rose, Marcus, Austin, Kevin, and Kyu!
- Discovered Haverford’s Philips Wing: It’s my absolute favourite place in the Bi-Co (Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges) to study, to read, to blog, to do anything on my own. It’s a balcony of dimly lit nooks and cosy sofas surrounded by walls of books. I’d gladly spend my weekends and free time in the library! My second favourite place to study is the upper level of Bryn Mawr’s Writing Center.
- Found egg waffles in Chinatown: I always do the same thing when I say I “go into Philly.” I go to Chinatown. And I always do the same things when I go to Chinatown. I grab $1 bread at KC’s Pastries, maybe some noodles at Nanzhou Hand Drawn Noodle House, one or two cups of bubble tea from Kungfu Tea for myself, and some more bubble tea to take back for friends. To celebrate Chinese New Year this year, I went to Chinatown with Julia, Georgina, and Victoria. Julia showed us so many hidden places to get delicious food in Chinatown, and the most life-changing one for me were the egg waffles from Yummy Yummy. I thought I wouldn’t get to taste them again until I visited Hong Kong! Love the toasted coconut with sesame egg waffle.
- Joined the Bryn Mawr Concert Series: After having so much fun at their fall concert with Lauv and Gallant, I wanted to help out in any way I could. I also might have wanted to join so that I could interact with music artists, even if it was only to book them. It turned out to be a lot more work and stress than I expected. I don’t think I’ll be rejoining next year, but I’ll definitely be attending all their concerts as an audience member or photographer. Even though I’m not rejoining, I’m glad that I experienced it for a semester. Now I know how to take apart a stage.
- Boeing tour: Because I’m not confident in my computer science skills, I’ve been trying to gain as much experience as I can that doesn’t involve technical tests. I may have to save interviewing for backend tech jobs for later. But I did learn something whilst at Boeing that lifted my spirits: Technical skill can be taught, but work ethic can’t.
- Spring break cafe hopping: Shout out to Victoria and Jennifer for joining me! With our Weekly TrailPass for the SEPTA, we visited ten cafes in seven days, including Hothouse Coffee, Bluestone Lane, Happily Ever After, Menagerie Coffee, Bodhi Coffee, Plenty Cafe, Old City Coffee, United by Blue, One Shot Coffee, and ReAnimator Coffee. It was a great way to explore a part of Philly other than Chinatown; there’s so much around 2nd Street! Over the course of the break, I didn’t ingest much else other than caffeine and carbs.
- Google tour: I don’t know very much about Google culture other than what’s portrayed in movies like The Internship, but it seems like a really cool and hip place to work, and who wouldn’t want to see what’s going on at the forefront of the tech industry? So I made a day trip to New York City with some other girls, sponsored by She++. The actual Google part of the trip only lasted about two hours, and the rest of our time was spent eating our way through New York City.
- Chaverim concert at HC: and I sang my first solo in college! I used to audition for solos all the time in middle school and high school and I got my fair amount–I got some pretty grand ones actually. And although the validation that came with getting solos felt good, it also brought a lot of anxiety and some not-so-warm-or-fuzzy feelings. My competitive side would kick in and some petty thoughts would sneak into my head. I didn’t like that. So when I joined a cappella in college, I decided that I didn’t want any solos; I just wanted to sing comfortably in the background and enjoy the beautiful harmonies. But nothing great ever happens from being comfortable.
- Social media purge: I’ve entertained the idea of ridding my life of social media, but I’ve never been able to go through with it. I’m susceptible to stats and attention. I have an unhealthy relationship with social media but… social media isn’t all bad. I admit that in the past I’ve had brief stints in which I’d deactivate Facebook for a week hoping someone would notice without me telling them. It didn’t last though. But Kat‘s break up with social media in late February inspired me, so, on a whim, I decided to try it out for a month starting on the first day of April. And it was a good month. I’ve decided to stay off Facebook and Instagram indefinitely.
- Andrea Gibson: I don’t usually “get” poetry and I feel dumb for it. I had never heard of Andrea Gibson until one of my friends freaked out that they would be performing in Philly some time last year and I pretended that I knew who they were and subsequently Googled them when I got home and found out that they were a super famous spoken word artist and activist. When I heard that they’d be in Philly again this month, at Bryn Mawr College no less, I figured I should check it out given they’re so renown and the event would be free; worst thing that could happen would be that I wouldn’t enjoy it and could just leave early. Well. I cried. Every piece was met with applause, snaps, or silence, and it was all good. If all poetry were read or spoken to me, I think I’d enjoy it a lot more. That’s probably why I like the Dear Hank & John podcast; John reads a poem at the beginning of every episode before they get into answering listener questions with dubious advice.
- Women in Tech Summit: I’m not very far into my computer science studies, but at the same time, I’m at a point in my life where I need to get internships and work experience. The struggle is that you need to have experience to begin with in order to get on par with all the other applicants, and then have a little something extra so that you’re the one who gets picked. There are programs for middle school students and high school students to pursue their interests, like at summer camp or something. But have you heard of college students going to summer camp? The Women in Tech Summit gave me the perfect opportunity to gain experience, to meet people with experience who were eager to share, and to simply and beautifully learn.
- Tri-Co Battle of the Bands: My biggest contribution to the Bryn Mawr Concert Series was my role as the Tri-Co Outreach Coordinator. Last year was the first year of Tri-Co Battle of the Bands, in which one Bryn Mawr band, three Haverford bands, and one Swarthmore band competed. This year with better Tri-Co outreach, we had one Bryn Mawr band, three Haverford bands, and four Swarthmore bands. During my first year of college, I made a great effort to participate in more Bi-Co and Tri-Co activities, and those relationships have really helped me feel comfortable on all three campus and have provided me opportunities I’d otherwise be afraid to take.
- Class poster: The 2018 Class Co-Presidents wanted to have a pop-up and do something special for us, so they contacted me about their idea to do a poster giveaway, which I was totally on board with. I photographed and designed our class poster, and they made 200 12×18″ glossy-printed copies. It’s amazing to know that 200~ people in my class will have my poster up in their room! Other design projects I did in the past year for various campus clubs were the logos for Peer Mentoring and the Self-Care Committee, the one for the Self-Care Committee which was printed across a huge banner and hung up on the green during one of their events. I still have a lot to learn as an amateur graphic designer, but opportunities like these really help me exercise my creativity.
- Summer on my own: It’s not quite so dramatic, but it’s definitely been a big step for me. I’ve always relied on my parents to figure everything out, buy my plane tickets, etc., and I’d just go with the flow. But this summer I needed to get things done, find a job, and do other real world stuff like that. I was supposed to finish looking for and applying to jobs over spring break, but I didn’t finish before it ended and I never picked it back up once school started again. I arbitrarily decided to stay in Philly all summer and maybe just bum around working on my blog, find some computer science dude to shadow, or do something local like working at a cafe. I knew Victoria was planning to be in Philly for most of summer too, so we decided to be roomies and look for summer housing together, which we found. A few weeks later I heard back from a professor I emailed a month ago saying that he’d take me up on my offer to help out with his research if I was still up for it. At this point I had no plans for the summer, so of course I was! There were a few hiccups with communication so the job I ended up getting wasn’t the one that I initially applied for, but I’m excited nonetheless! This summer I’ll be living in an apartment off campus and working a 9-to-5 job at Haverford for ten weeks as a Digital Scholar. I’ll be doing a lot of learning via Lynda.com, and I foresee lots of practice with information organization and website design!
- Apartment shopping: Oh boy would you look at me adulting? After struggling for many weeks with Residential Life to get approved for off-campus housing, Kat and I finally got it! We’ll be rooming together for the next two years. By the time we got approved for off-campus housing, our classes were well into wrapping up the semester, so we were swamped with work and didn’t get a chance to look around for apartments until the very last week of school, which was the second week of our finals week (which was just this past week). We’ve found our place!
How have you grown in the past year?