ONE // The lost photo collective
I love this concept. It’s Carrie’s “new project to save photos from the depths of random external hard disks and make sure they see the light of day.” One reason I love blogging is because it’s a way for me to organize my photos and memories. I take so many photos thinking that they’ll be great for memory-keeping, but I never go back to them and I never print them out to frame or paste into scrapbooks. So I share them here on the blog. But even then, I still have so many more photos dusting away in digital space. Occasionally when I need to free up space on my phone, I’ll scroll up my camera roll and rediscover old pictures and all the memories that come with them. The Lost Photo Collective seems like a more proactive way to unearth these moments. I do think I’ll try to adopt this blog series some time in the future, but for now I have some other ideas boiling that I’d like to organize first.
TWO // Inside our airstream
In anticipation of my new apartment, I have a new appreciation for interior design. The majority of my text messages with Kat (my future roomie) are now just pictures of beautiful interiors we find on Pinterest. Anyways, it’s amazing how Sarah has furnished the inside of her little space and especially inspiring because Kat and I will be squeezing ourselves into a large one-bedroom apartment. We’re just college students; we don’t need much. Other inspiring spaces to check out are Izzy’s office and Kate’s dressing area.
THREE // Coffee Room, Prague
You know I love myself a good coffee shop. Just two weeks ago I shared about my visit to United by Blue‘s warehouse sale at their flagship store in Philly, mentioning their mission statement that promises that for every product sold, United by Blue removes one pound of trash from our world’s oceans and waterways. Who wouldn’t be for it? Coffee Room also incorporates conscious living into their concept and are involved in the Water for Cameroon project, in which the organization grows a tree for every 20CZK spent at Coffee Room. They are also unique in the fact that they have a unique food menu, which is not something you usually find at a coffee shop; a unique array of coffees perhaps, but not necessarily of food. Speaking of food, some delicious recipes I’ve found around the web are DIY floral macarons, 5 ingredient strawberry rose tarts, Hong Kong curry fish balls over ramen, and matcha Portuguese egg tarts.
FOUR // Just show up
At the end of my recap of sophomore year, I mentioned my plans for the summer. I said that “there were a few hiccups with communication so the job I ended up getting wasn’t the one that I initially applied for, but I’m excited nonetheless!” The hiccup was this: Originally I had applied to help my professor with his research with accessible text input. He got back to me and said that he’d given that job to a junior/rising senior, as the research experience would provide a good foundation for his senior thesis, which was a fair call, so instead what my professor had in mind for me was to help out with research a bit, but mostly work in the lab with technical stuff, which I was also all for. A few days later he got back to me and said that a department meeting had brought to light that they were hoping that the student they were looking for to fill that role would be a student living on Haverford’s campus, which I was not. He apologized for his miscommunication but assured me that he was excited to work with me and would help me secure a technical campus job this summer (which has turned out to be working as a Digital Scholar at Haverford’s library). He said he was excited to work with me because he remembered how persistent I was in trying to get into his Intro to Computer Science class. The class was capped so I audited it for four weeks with no promise that I would ever be officially admitted into the class, though thank goodness I eventually was. I did nothing more but show up every time. And he told me that that was the kind of person he was excited to work with. He said that there are tons of smart people out there, but this kind of drive inspires him. I hope he keeps that in mind when he’s grading my final exam. I also hope that I keep this in mind when my computer science studies get more challenging.
FIVE // Ice is slippery
The Intro to Data Structures final was rough. We finished it, or as much of it as we could within the class period, and then somberly headed to lunch. As if that wasn’t enough to dampen our mood, it was gross and raining out. The conversation at our table kept veering toward the negative even though we kept trying to pull it back up but to no avail. So because our words were failing us, we sought happiness by looking up funny online videos to watch together, and this one was my favourite. My abs got well and sore from all the laughing. Shout out to Rose for sharing this gem with us!
What has been your favourite read of the week?