I’ve survived another school year! It’s been a crazy weekend of finalizing projects, maneuvering around families seeing their kids for graduation, and packing up. I finally saw the apartment that my friend Victoria and I are staying in this summer that we rented from her friends. It was a MESS. Lint and hair and god knows what else everywhere. So gross. After moving all our boxes into the apartment, we found a box of Clorox and immediately started wiping everything down, starting from our room that we’re sharing for the next week that we’ve dubbed our safe haven, then moved onto the living room, then the dining room, including the table and chairs and the bottoms of them, and then we decided to brave the bathroom because we’re gonna need to use that, but we just barely started wiping it down when we realized that we had just used up the whole box of Clorox. At that point we were totally exhausted and were at a loss as to what to do next. Victoria jokingly said, what if we walked back to campus and showered there and used their free wifi? Hahaha. But then it actually wasn’t such a bad idea. So we did that. I’m so glad that I’m not dealing with this on my own!
- It’s always a pain to find places to study on campus during finals week. My usual go-to study spaces are the Lusty Cup under Canaday Library at Bryn Mawr or the Philips Wing in Magill Library at Haverford. Even my off campus study spaces (the four nearby coffee shops) are also almost always guaranteed to be full during finals week. I resorted to studying in my room thinking that working from the comfort of my bed would put me in a better mood in general and thus a better mood to study, but that is false. So I kept searching for a place to study and have found a new favourite: the upper level of the Writing Center in Canaday Library at Bryn Mawr. It’s a great open space surrounded by huge floor to ceiling windows (from the first to third floors) (not pictured) (the windows in the picture are the small windows) (which are still pretty big) and maintains a studious atmosphere.
- Not wearing a backpack. The freedom! Since I was camping out at the library, during my breaks I’d stake my claim by leaving my stuff there. That’s one of the perks of going to a small liberal arts college with an Honour Code; you don’t really need to worry about people swiping your stuff. And who wants my Discrete Math notes anyways? I love not carrying stuff around. A weight has literally been lifted from my shoulders. I wish I could travel like that more often, but my pockets aren’t big enough…
- I’m so thankful that we have self-scheduled exams here in the Bi-Co (Bryn Mawr and Haverford colleges). Once again, another perk of going to a small liberal arts college with an Honour Code. I get very self-conscious and thus anxious in normal testing situations when everyone is crammed in the same room. I think it has something to do with my perfectionism.
- I finally published my post for Drive Thru Boba! I’ve been really excited ever since I drafted it a few weeks ago when I was supposed to be studying for finals, so I’m giving myself a lil’ shoutout hehe. The writing isn’t exactly art, but the #aesthetic of that place, man.
- For the past month, every time I walked by Staples, I’d shout “cardboard boxes!” because I would always forget that I needed them for summer storage and when I did remember, it’d always be at an inconvenient time (like on my way to something). Come end of the school year and I still didn’t buy any boxes or tape. A big shout out to Grace and Ami who gave me their leftover boxes and tape to pack my room up in! My friends are so wonderful.
- Everything was due on Friday at noon. I got my stuff in on Thursday at midnight. Done is good! What better way to celebrate than with a trip into the city to visit one of our favourite coffee shops and also do a little shopping? I had so much fun at United by Blue’s warehouse sale with Kat, Jennifer, Victoria, and Georgina 🙂
- I’m so ready for summer break! I’ve got a week of freedom before I dive into ten weeks of my summer job, after which I’ll have a month left to bum around before the next academic year.
- Currently listening to Kings of Summer ft. Quinn by Ayokay. How thematic 😉
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.