ONE // New in portfolio: Elie Saab
How awesome is it work with Elie Saab? I can only imagine. It makes me so happy to see fellow bloggers making such great things. Everything from the black and white photography to the embellished bridal gown to the logo design is so creatively inspiring. In this oversaturated industry of blogging, I always get excited when I find something that stands apart and creatively rejuvenates me. There’s lots of great content to go around, but sometimes you need to do a little something extra. Don’t just wait for inspiration. Become it. Even when you feel like no one is listening, be the lighthouse; beam out light and love. And while we’re on the topic of love, can we celebrate their one year? Their love story is like out of a movie. It kind of reminds me of One Day, but a happier version.
TWO // Teach girls bravery not perfection
My latest form of productive procrastination has been watching TED Talks. Ironically, I was watching Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator by Tim Urban and telling Kat about it when she recommended me to watch this one by Reshma Saujani, the Founder and CEO of Girls Who Code. I was especially interested in the topic of this TED Talk after having attended the Philly Women in Tech Summit two weeks ago. I definitely related to what she said about girls being socialized to be perfect rather than brave. There have been many times when I would be self-conscious or afraid or ashamed to show teachers or classmates my work in progress because I wasn’t confident with what I was producing, so much so that I’d rather show them nothing. Even now I still struggle with this. In fact, it’s often why I prefer to study for things alone rather than in groups. I wish that I had watched this TED Talk earlier, but it’s still not too late. It was really curious for me to see how lowly rated the video was on YouTube though, since I personally responded so positively to it. What do you think about it?
THREE // Hong Kong bubble egg waffle recipe
Julia showed me a place to get egg waffles in Philly’s Chinatown and it instantly became a part of my Chinatown ritual: oolong bubble milk tea from Kungfu Tea, Asian pastries from KC’s Pastries, restock on sesame soup powder, noodles from Nanzhou Hand Drawn Noodle House if it’s lunchtime, toasted coconut and sesame egg waffles from Yummy Yummy, and more bubble tea. Food at Chinatown is so hearty and affordable, but it adds up, especially if you go ham like I do. I should probably eat at the campus dining halls more than I do (or don’t) and/or make some food on my own. These bubble tea oatmeal and London fog cupcake recipes look pretty good… I can survive on a diet of sweets, right?
FOUR // You snooze, you win
Sleep is productivity! And I don’t just say that to be #relatable; I mean it! With finals coming up, it’s especially important to practice self-care and study efficiently. Taking a nap is a much better way to take a break than aimlessly scrolling down Facebook or starting another TV show on Netflix. After a nap, (ideally) you’re reenergized and refocused, which is the optimum state to be in when there is work to do. The last few weeks before the end of term can be highly stressful, so here’s a mini-guide to not being frustrated all the time. If you need more helpful resources, check out this post from my archive!
This video is slightly terrifying and not exactly my aesthetic but wonderful all the same.
How has your week been?